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' Dear Smallest Snake,
I have managed to secure you and Harry the ability to go on ahead with not just your resorting but with also escaping those failure guardian's. It did take quite the underhanded play into acquiring the heir Potter books and inheritance of his age, I have found quite the news on his grades and I do think you're doing him a lot of good considering your previous knowledge. I've already arranged all of your tutors as well as his own, sadly you won't be seeing as much of your mates upon those school days, as a young lady and as young men especially mates you all need to learn some separation restraint along with the gifts that develop along with it. Expect many letters in the time to come, also Lucius sends his regards and asked me to thank you for him, for what exactly I have no clue and I expect to learn of it once you arrive home. W ith all of my love,
Your father'

That was the letter that I received 4 days ago and now I sat on the train. I was forced to think over the year. I'd gained many things and lost a few. Overall the year had been great from the dueling club to finding my soulmates. I was laid out across the boys.
" My love, please tell me he's not going to force us to be apart all summer." Blaise basically begged.
" He said we need to learn some restraint on that matter, and as sad as it is to say I agree." I shared as Blaise gave me a weary look.
" Your mom already said you could stay at mine." Draco casually stated and I smiled at a guarantee to being able to see them at one point or another.
" I'm going to be honest, baby, your dad is terrifying." Harry said.
" Well while you all are moping about being separate even miss daddies girl, I'll be happy to lighten the mood with the ball being thrown in you guessed it your father's honor." Theo said to me.

I perked up instantly.
" What theme, when, where?" I questioned.
" Yes Theo where, when, and what theme, even better question how long will it be?" Harry added.
"Well my father wanted you to sort of give us a theme considering you can do no wrong in your father's eyes."
" Ooh make it dark masquerade or high class snake themed, oh or you could make it dark magic with lava cakes and enchanted skeletons." I suggested happy to plan it.
" Lava cakes?" Me and Harry shared looks.
" Make it a pot luck with a four dish minimum." Harry laughed.

I pouted thinking about the letter.
" Don't pout my love, we'll be fine, and plus we have a surprise for you." Draco said and I gave them all a curious look.
" What is it?" I asked Blaise with my doe eyes. Draco basically tackled Blaise covering his mouth while Theo covered Harry's mouth. I turned to Draco who's mouth was covered by Blaise. I turned to Theo who sighed.
" Don't do that." Theo begged.
" What is it Theo?" I asked softly. Harry went to cover his mouth when I grabbed his hand.
" Shopping in France, America, and Africa." He blabbed. I smiled at them all and they glared at Theo.
" You have no reason to be so weak for her." I hugged Theo just as Draco said that. Theo smiled as I gave him a apparition ring. He smiled at it.
" You stand corrected Dray." Harry laughed as I glared at the three of them.
" Theo's better then all of you." I said and Theo laughed. The trolly came by.
" Let me get one slice of birthday cake." Dray said and she gave it to him and he sat it down in front of me. I smiled.
" Let me get the rest of your chocolate frogs." Harry said. She gave him this huge thing of them he paid for them. She turned to Blaise who nodded and she laid down two bottles of Cola along with a whole box of donuts and cupcakes.  Blaise paid and she went on about her day. Theo sat down a basket of my favorites. I smiled.
" You all spoil me."

" What good is having money if we can't spoil you."
" Theo how come you don't have a soulmate?" Theo rubbed his neck and smiled.
" It's between Granger and Parkinson." He admitted and I gave him a sorry look neither were all that good.
" Come on we can solve this!" I exclaimed and Theo sighed as I took him along the compartments however we heard crying. We all exchanged looks before finding Hermione being hit with spells. I shoved Ron and he hit his head bleeding. I ignored him. Theo looked ready to hurt him. So it's Hermione. I got down and began checking and breaking spell after spell. She groaned and looked at me she began crying.
" I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She sobbed into my arms. I went through her memories, my goodness she needs to be treated at St.Mungo's. I looked at Theo.

Theo instantly understood as he comforted her as she clung onto him in need.
" She needs a lot of help, I'm going to kill those muggles." I was livid.
" What's going on here?" Snape asked.
" She's needs mental help professor, now!" I said as Hermione's nose began to bleed. Snape picked her up and vanished. Theo went with them. I looked at my mates. Harry had already cleaned the scene of Ron. I stepped on Ron's wand watching with satisfaction as it shattered.
" Leave him there." Blaise snickered as we left back to our compartment. People were going to pay, even if Hermione did terrible things I'd still had a part of me that cared about her, that would always care about her, I was her sister for over a decade and that meant something, so heads were going to role, and we'll start with Ron's.

Hermonie's Twin Sister ( Draco Malfoy x Reader x Blaise Zabini)Where stories live. Discover now