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The end of year had finally come along. We all sat in the decrepit pavilion. Theo had insisted that we have a picnic here and it really was gorgeous. Harry had written early on to the Dursleys about the change in living quarters and they'd all been rather happy. Currently we were deciding on our third year classes.
" Divination is easy, we should take it." Harry argued with Theo.
" Runes is the pathway to being anything great." Theo shot back.
" You both should consider just separating." Blaise said reading the daily afternoon paper. Draco was looking over his books.
" Father asked to aquatint himself with you Harry."
" I'm thinking about changing my name, maybe to Hadrien, but I have no clue as for my middle name I know I want to keep James to honor my father, but I suppose it is time I get acclimated to the darker sides of the wizarding world. Baby what classes are you picking I want to have at least 3 with you."
" Well I was thinking about it and then I consulted my father and he was absolutely no help, so I decided to take care of magical creatures, runes, and arithmancy. I also want to join a few clubs next year, and Amato, Kenji, and Nicoli are all good middle names." I added in as I checked those boxes.

" I like Nicoli, brother, Hadrien James Nicoli Potter, it's wondrous. If only you were in Slytherin you'd be free of those gremlins." I snickered at his remark.
" Don't insult gremlins." Blaise scolded making me laugh. Draco shook his head.
" Father says he's struggling to keep his position on the high bored." Draco informed sadly.
" Snape told me that, I already sent him a small report including things that would work under the law." I hummed and Draco turned to me smiling.
" You're amazing!" He stated.
" Yeah she is, but are you considering Quidditch?" Blaise asked
" No, too rough for me, I was thinking more Ancient Studies, Earth Magic, and Ghoul Studies." I shared and Blaise pouted.
" Darling, give the sport a chance it's wonderful, and you didn't come to a single one of our games this year." Blaise tried to persuade.
" I'll attend them next year, and I had Colin and the photography club give me all of the highlights without the fear of you getting hurt." Theo sighed.

" Next year is going to be crazy and all but what about summer, are we not excited?"
" Pumped, I'm currently getting everything in order to pull my run-away act off." I shared as I took out my own books. I got to highlighting and making notes. Father said he'd have me and Harry tutored in pure blood etiquette over the summer, along with having us get check ups, magic time, pre-class lessons, financial classes, heir stuff as he called it, and the basic traditions of wizardry. Of course it wouldn't be all work he promised we'd go anywhere we liked, whether that be Italy, France, or India.
" Love, what are you studying?" Harry asked. I slid the book over and he pouted.
" What's with the dull face?" He sighed.
" I thought you said the summer would be fun not school like." He shared.
" We all have lessons over summer, on just about everything magic, Mr.Riddle will probably require you to attend them and have you learn all of the heir stuff we do, we get a lot of free time yes but we also have work." Theo shared.
" I know it just sucks my test scores were just barely above average with the help from all of you." Harry said, " Now my eventually father in law whose the d-"
" Ten o clock." Draco intervened.

We all turned to see the previously mentioned gremlins storming over with professor McGonagall.
" Well met professor." We chorused.
" See professor, he's clearly under a potion, Harry never wore watches, or styles his hair, he never knew those customs, and most of all Harry clearly is in danger being in this area with our any protective gear." Hermione stated.
" C'mon mate, snap out of it, don't fall for their traps." Ron muttered.
" I suppose that this is a rather sticky situation."
" Breaking several rules in one go, you all have detention."
" We've broken not a single rule."
" You've clearly stolen food from the kitchen, you're all wearing forbidden protectors that have yet to begin corroding, you've dragged poor Harry along with you, and not to forget you all are in an area reserved for Hogwarts heir's, and their allies only. " I wanted to scream and shout at the woman when Snape arrived.
" What in Merlin's beard are you going on about, they've broken not a single rule, I made said protectors and they politely asked and received food from house elves, this child is of his own free will, and that last rule has not been broken the Malfoy, Zabini, and Nott families are all still known as allies of the deceased Slytherin house, Potter's are well associated with Gryffindor, they've broken no rules and 20 points from Gryffindor for false accusations and peer pressure." Snape stated.

McGonagall walked to the side her eyes going back to me as Snape explained who I was. She looked shocked and scared. She breathed and steeled herself.
" Due to this predicament it's protocol to ask whether you wish to be resorted?" Harry looked at his friends. None of them expected anything of him, he knew that, he knew they only wanted him to be happy and safe.
" That sounds like a brilliant idea professor, I'd love to resorted."
" Your father would have hated it." Ron said and Harry clearly liked that idea.
" I'll get things in order." McGonagall said as she left with the two gremlins and I used a whispering spell.

" I know what you did, and I know you're going to pay me your debt in full." She spun around to me I stared her down. She'd crossed so many lines, I suppose a change in trust is in order.

Hermonie's Twin Sister ( Draco Malfoy x Reader x Blaise Zabini)Where stories live. Discover now