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Your pov:
" Hermione-" I go to explain she looks at them,  her eyes shaking with fear, she calmed herself reaching a hand out for mine. I took a hold of it as we looked at each other. Silently communicating what needed to be said. She looked between the two men, both holding theirselves in shame and sympathy. She noticed how they held their wrist, the blasted table.
" They were forced to take the marks of-"
" Grindelwald, with help from Dumbledore and Molly, it's unpredicted but it happened, they came to warm us about everything going on. I'm offering them, not Ron, or the others, but then refuge." I explained and she nodded. They didn't try and speak to her, afraid of her reaction.
" I suppose you do tend to pick up those who need help, you picked Harry up without a second thought really." Draco teased breaking some of the tension away. Harry playfully glared at the boy as he put up the bags we'd brought.
" So what's going on?"
" Molly didn't say exactly what was going on, but she did mention Dumbledore rant about fixing Harry and Hermione saying how he would get rid of the problem. Molly believes that he's going to spell him or drug his stuff. It's supposedly going to be a major deal that you're not there Y/n. Arthur was going on and on about how much of an issue you were when it came to these things. Ginerva is freaking out and trying to look older then she is, and Ronald is stressed about getting Harry to have some sympathy. They tortured us and then forced the mark onto us. Fred has it the worse with them damn near destroying his mental." George shared earning looks of sympathy from them all.

" As Y/n said we'll help you both with staying away from them, and getting medical help." Harry said.
" But if you break our trust, I will rip you apart, limb by limp, and make you wish you'd have never come to know me." I said with all the dark intent I felt. Betrayal wasn't an option. Disloyalty would only bring forth chaos, unaffordable chaos.
" Got it." Fred whispered.
" Let me check on that my dear." Narcissa said softly as she began to try and aid his mind.
" So Harry goes no where alone, got it Harry?" Theodore said.
" Had no intentions on it anyway." Harry hummed as the train began forward.

Father, Lucius, Severus who'd joined us, and Narcissa spent the ride to Hogwarts comforting, healing, and coming up with plans for the boys. I looked over the replies to my request and found that for the most part I'd had plenty of accepted request especially class wise, and now I can get back to my book. I laid my head on Harry's shoulder and continued reading.
" Take rest my love, I'll wake you when we arrive." Harry reassured. He was more then comfortable. I yawned as I closed my eyes, I'd been so tired as of late. I'd also suffered from nausea and a lot of Wendigo sie effects. Narcissa loved to joke that I'd secretly gotten pregnant and I hated how this felt.

Harry's pov:
Theodore was still angry about having to help the twins but they looked traumatized. I looked at my girlfriend and then at Draco and Blaise nodding towards the twins. I felt a tug in my mind.
'Blaise what's happening. ' I question through our mental connection.
' I searched their mind and they were forced to take the mark, they were sent here to spy in on you, and convince you to change your mind. Not only that but they aren't fully conscious they've definitely gone through an extensive time of torture. ' Blaise shared and Draco looked over. He was kind hearted despite how much he put on. We have a much older enemy then we though and I have a terrible feeling that we should be going. However maybe we'll discover something extremely useful.

Y/n began to shake and I turned to her, her eyes rolled back in her head, her nose began to bleed, and she fell forward. Tom listed to her mutters with the upmost attentiveness while he tried to stop her nose bleed.  A quill worked rapidly following her speech. I'm extremely worried for her.  Finally the surging stopped along with the nosebleeds however so did her breathing. Lucius, Narcissa, and Severus held us back. I struggled against Severus who hugged me in comfort as I cried. What's going on, why is everything me screaming, why am I in so much physical pain. I cried out my knees betraying me as I fell to my knees in sync with Blaise and Draco but Draco kept falling passing out. Blaise followed. I looked at Y/n she was finally breathing. Severus helped me to her, weakly, I grabbed her hand and then the world went dark.

Nobody's pov:
Theodore watched as the three boys passed out, you almost died, and Hermione was a crying mess in his arm. Hermione could barely handle watching her sister die. Tom was unmoving thankful to still have his daughter with him. He found a headless snake on her neck, a dead snake. Tom held his daughter's body to him as he kissed her forehead. You clenched at whatever you could grab. A pain floating through you with enough strength to cause you a great deal of pain.nit was what was keeping you unconscious and uncomfortable. This pain made you crave for Draco, Harry, and Blaise who all weren't in contact with you much to your displeasure. You groaned as you opened your eyes and turned only to be greeted with a horrific sight, the door was open and in the doorway stood a man who she could tell had been around Dumbledore, and looking at his grin that was poorly hidden, and his lack of care for the children, this man was the evil wizard Grindelwald.

A/n: Thank you all so much for reading this far, I appreciate all of you, and once again sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger. What do you think will happen next?

Hermonie's Twin Sister ( Draco Malfoy x Reader x Blaise Zabini)Where stories live. Discover now