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A/n: This chapter is mainly just fluff.

Your pov: 
We were running, running from house elves, Snape, and FIlch. All of which were coming from different directions. Theo almost slipped as we laughed the whole way to Gryffindor tower. We went from the opposite way round Gryffindor to Slytherin. I slipped, Draco caught my basket and Blaise dragged me up and along. I turned around the black hood covering me from being seen but not seeing out. I noticed that it was Filch he'd have Harry's head if he caught us. I raised my wand and snapped it left to create a puff of smoke. I pressed all of us against the wall. Filch ran right by and so did Snape and our other pursuers. 

We laughed in my dorm as we ate the snacks we stole. The house elves we managed to take them from new it was me, I'm sure, but they didn't say anything the whole run. We played bored games and I won every time. Theo had become one of my best friends. Harry and I had gotten closer. The world was right enough, however sadly the school year was coming to an end. I remembered seeing Harry with the diary. I felt bad from taking it from him, but that faceless man told me too, he said that it had Ginny's plans to hurting me. He was right sadly, every attempt Ginny made was written in the damn diary she and Hermione were partners in crime. 

I could only contain the guilt I felt as I dodged any and every question about the damn book and wanting revenge. I wasn't normally so mean, but something in me, something told me, that I deserved to keep the book. I've been trying to figure it out but that has only lead me to a dead end, several actually. It also lead me into the woods with spiders who actually really liked me. 

It seemed the longer I stayed the farther apart me and my sister became. However it was her fault, she'd wedge anything between us and I was honestly terrified to return home for summer. I knew something horrible was waiting. We were currently playing truth or dare. 
" Truth or dare, darling?" Draco asked. 
" Truth." I said like the wuss I am. 
" Is it true that you've never had your first kiss?" 
" Yep." Blaise, Harry, and Draco all exchanged smirks while Theo drank some of the fire shots he'd gotten. They were these little drinks which worked like fire whiskey but for children.
" Okay, truth or dare Harry?" I asked. 
" Truth, I'm a wuss." I laughed. 
" Is it true, that you and Hermione had a thing for each other last year?" Harry went red faced. I snickered then began laughing. Draco and Theo teased him about it. Blaise was crying from laughing so much. 
" Alright, alright, enough, yes it's true but I like someone else now." He added quickly. 
" Ooh." Blaise teased like he already knew, I'll ask him later. 
" Truth or dare Blaise?" Harry asked. 
" Dare." Blaise said dangerously. 
" Drink up." Harry said sliding Blaise a fire shot. Blaise popped the lid and downed it. I laughed as he shook his head, he likes wine better preferably red but white will do as well. 
" You're wicked Potter, truth or dare, love?" 
" Dare, why not." I said. 

It took Blaise a minute to come up with a dare. 
" I dare you to kiss me on the lips for 30 seconds." I was shocked and sighed. I leaned in and he met me halfway. His breath was strong but sweet, he held me close, not making me have to strain my arms, and his lips were soft. It was a sweet kiss as we broke apart. 
" Well now I'm jealous of you mate." Harry said with a laugh.. I quirked an eyebrow at Harry. 
" You have no clue how much I enjoy that activity, with your permission I will be doing it a lot more in the future." Blaise teased me. I giggled I give it two years then we can start kissing. 
" Truth or Dare Harry?" I asked. 
" Dare." 
" I dare you to tell us your crush." He went as red as a cherry and he head his face in his hands. 
" Come on, you can't hide forever."Theo said playfully. I got up wrapped him in a hug from around his neck. I shook him from side to side just a little and he looked up at me. 
" You." He mouthed. I stopped and tapped him then me. he nodded. I looked around. The guys burst with laughter. 
" You just realized he likes you, we knew for a while, and Snape knows he's your other third." Draco shared. I gasped. 
" You guys are terrible, hiding something like that from me." I said playfully while kissing Harry's forehead. 

Harry's pov: 
I knew she had the diary, the one with Riddle's thingy inside of it. However she didn't know that I knew and she didn't ever read it, she seemed to just like stressing Ginny who tried at every turn to make her life harder so it was understandable. I just wonder why in Merlin's name did she take the thing from me, then again, Hermione would have taken it and returned it back to Ginny. I was scarlet red as she kissed my forehead. I was rather fond, no fonds to simple of a word, I was to in love with the girl to care if she took a diary, hell I wouldn't care if she were a murderer, I understand now that love can make you do crazy things.I breathed and looked at Y/n. 
" You went from one Granger to the better one, you lucky bastard." Theo joked. He was highly intoxicated like normal, but he was my best friend, my brother in a sense much like Draco and Blaise. We all were close and none of us took it personally who we were closest to. 

Our five people group was perfect, surprisingly me and Draco don't bump heads a lot. He's really changing for the better with Y/n around. Blaise is much more emotionally, mentally, physically stable now that he has Y/n. Y/n is loved and cared for by all of us, we never want to see her hurt and she really truly needs that. I'm loved, cared for, respected, and included always with Y/n by my side. Theo still fits, he's like that brother or cousin figure to all of us and Y/n treats him like a brother in law, this was our perfect time, I know that the chance to make such happy memories may never come again, so I'm going to enjoy this one for as long as I can. 

Hermonie's Twin Sister ( Draco Malfoy x Reader x Blaise Zabini)Where stories live. Discover now