Thank you!

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Hi everyone!

I wanted to thank everyone who took the time to read this fanfic as this has been in the works since my senior year of high school. I'm now a junior in college and while life has gotten super hectic, it has made me so happy to see when I logged back into this app how much love and support people were showing this story and I'm beyond grateful for the reactions. I am by no means the best writer, and I did not think people would like this story whatsoever, but I wanted to create something special for fans of Nick Robinson and Jurassic World. Writing a Zach/OC story has been my goal to put out there since I saw the movie in theaters, and there was never a moment where I wasn't thinking about what could happen next or what to do story wise to make it interesting because finishing this project meant a lot to me. I love the Zach character to pieces, as I can speak for most of us that he was our gay awakening! Hopefully I did him justice and expanded him as realistically as possible. I may come back to this fic from time to time update some things that I feel might need some refining. But I hope y'all liked the story and thank you for everything (:

*Author's note* - Here is also a face/OC reveal! The Photos above are supposed to be "Instagram posts" from Zach and Jonny's trip at the end of the Epilogue. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts about this fic in the comments and what would you guys like to see next?

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