"Prognosis-NEGATIVE!" Part I...

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Seinfeld: "Prognosis-NEGATIVE!"

Summary: Flying to London with older Elaine (following the action of "The Number and Address of the Beast", George (the Vampire "Say is it with a y or an I, Elaine?" "Y?" giggle... "If you're Danish, George."), tells her his idea for a new version of the lousy horror film the gang had once been eager to see...

Part I...

The Summer of George...Ending in tragedy, my friends...

The ever-upbeat George Costanza, removed at the height of his successful sports career from his position of grave responsibiliy for the New York Yankees by a strange twist of fate and that idiot Steinbrenner...

["George? You're still upset about that?" Elaine grinned. "It was a brutal stroke of unjust fate and Steinbrenner not being able to remember clearly who I was..." George fumed. "He's right, was unust...Unjust...Sorry, hard to concentrate here." Molly, eyes blinking, tape removed, noting to them.

"Excuse me?" Elaine, frowning.

"It's me, Laney. Put it in the vault." smiling. "Till she wakes up, anyway."

"Susan?" George blinked.

"Just thought I'd check in and see if you were behavin' yourself. Now you know I'm keepin' a eye on you. Say, have you got a mirror, Elaine? I'd like to see."

"More tape...?" the attendant had come by, pausing dazedly to see Molly up.

"Uh, no...That won't be necessary, darling. Thanks." George noted, hastilly.

"But another glass of wine'd be nice." Elaine noted, handling mirror to Molly/Susan...

"Yeah, and one for me...Plus...Say, what did they have for dinner?" Molly/Susan asked.

"We both did the Chateaubriand, it was fabulous." Elaine noted.

"I'll try that. Thanks, miss." shrug to Elaine as the attendant headed off. "She may as well get her money's worth and I haven't eaten in a couple of decades. So...Is my George behaving himself? A real gentleman? And not killing everyone he can?" eyeing George.

"He's been great." Elaine nodded, a bit sour look.

"Elaine. I promised I'd let you guys do as you pleased but I gotta take an interest now and then. I promise I won't be nosying and prying all the time." Molly/Susan, apologetically. "Just every now and then. To let my boy know I care."

"Oh, Susan..." George beamed.

"George, I appreciate it but don't lay it on too thick." Susan noted, slight frown. "I saw you were interested in this one."

"It's only my nature, sweetheart..." sigh.

"Well, at least you're keeping your pledge. For the first day. Say why did this one have tape over her mouth? And why did that attendant ask if you wanted more?"

"Long story...She is breathing..." Elaine noted, eyeing George.

"Yep, still breathing..." George agreed.

"Keep it so. What was that you were doing, telling a story, honey?" fond beam that seemed rather out of place on Molly's face.

"My movie script...'Prognosis-NEGATIVE!'. Well, a movie script I was writing..." George, shrugging.

"Oh, right...I remember. You used to read it to me."

"He did?"

"In spirit, I was dead by then. But it was so sweet how he used to ask how I liked it." Molly/Susan beamed.

Seinfeld/WWDITS: "Prognosis-NEGATIVE!"Where stories live. Discover now