"Prognosis-NEGATIVE!" Part IV...

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Seinfeld: "Prognosis-NEGATIVE!"

Summary: Flying to London with older Elaine (following the action of "The Number and Address of the Beast", George (the Vampire "Say is it with a y or an I, Elaine?" "Y?" giggle... "If you're Danish, George."), tells her his idea for a new version of the lousy horror film the gang had once been eager to see...

Part IV...

Given it would require a later shift to be able to perform the "testing" he'd recommended on Nurse Claire's report of the intruding visitors under conditions sure to guarantee the outcome he required, Dr. Lang had concluded it was best to pay a friendly visit to the three isolated together in the room they'd been secured in, lest their efforts to complain of their treatment find consideration among the staff.

Thus it was that the sturdy George, engaged in observing all aspects of the room with eye to unraveling both the mystery of the so-called "pig man" and finding a potential means of escape, his rather panicky friend the hapless Kramer, and the lovely Elaine...

["Georgie...That's sweet." Elaine beamed.

"Yeah. Nice." Molly/Susan, a bit grimly.]

...Received a polite knock at their locked door and a hearty request to be allowed to enter.

"Hey, yeah! Open this door, help!" Kramer, clearly overcome by panic.

"Come in...Please." George, a restraining hand on Kramer's arm.

"Try to calm yourself, old fellow. We need to keep clear heads here until we determine the true situation." he noted quietly to Kramer who continued to wave hands in panicky fashion...

"We gotta get outta here, now! Hey!" as the door opened.

"Kramer, come on...George is right." Elaine hissed. "We've gotta figure out what's up here."

"Hello, hello..." the tall, gaunt, and rather handsome figure in head covering, wearing gloves and lab coat, genially noted as he entered, bearing a bag. Behind him, quickly closing and relocking the door before, the lumpenly hulking figures of Claude in his scrubs and, behind him, two security guards.

"I trust all of you are well? No unusual symptoms as yet?" the figure addressed them through his headpiece's microphone.

"No, all of us remain quite well..." George noted.

"Excellent. Sorry for the precautions..." pleasantly regretful expression, eyes alighting on the pleasantly lovely Elaine...

["I think one 'lovely' is quite enough, George." Molly/Susan, grimly.]

"A cruel necessity..." friendly smile. Cruel necessity, indeed, he regarded...Elaine. "But primarily for your own protection. I am Dr. Eric Lang, assistant director and head of the departments of Genetics, Immunology, and Pathology."

"Yeah?" Kramer fumed. "Well, you're not keepin' Cosmo Kramer trapped in here, buddy. I'm takin' news of your pig man to the world. The World! Put that in your stethoscope and smoke it! Yeah!" raising fist.

"Excuse me, Mr...Kramer? 'Pig man'? And I urge you not to take up smoking, especially in your clearly hypertensive condition." Lang smiled.

"The 'pig man'! The PIG MAN! I know you got him here! I saw him! With these eyes!" Kramer, panicky gesticulations.

"Our friend is a bit upset..." George noted calmly. "Naturally we sought to calm his fears after he came to us claiming to have seen an unusual patient. Sorry if we violated any protocols..."

"I see...Understandable...And it's I who must apologize..." beam to a now beaming Elaine who was trying to calm Kramer by absently patting his arm... "It's our staff's failure to secure this room properly that led to this unfortunate situation. But I assure you we've arranged that any costs..."

Seinfeld/WWDITS: "Prognosis-NEGATIVE!"Where stories live. Discover now