"Prognosis-NEGATIVE..." Part VIII...

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Seinfeld: "Prognosis-NEGATIVE!"

Summary: Flying to London with older Elaine (following the action of "The Number and Address of the Beast", George (the Vampire "Say is it with a y or an I, Elaine?" "Y?" giggle... "If you're Danish, George."), tells her his idea for a new version of the lousy horror film the gang had once been eager to see...

Part VIII...

Dr. Lang, leaning back in chair, frowned at Nurse Claire as she finished her brief report...

"Maybe it wasn't the best idea to call Mr. Costanza's parents..." she finished, a bit lamely.

"Probably not..." sour look. "But perhaps unavoidable...And best to have them at least seem informed. Well, this throws a monkey wrench into my works for tonight...You did warn this 'Frank Costanza' he couldn't see his son tonight?"

"Of course, doctor." Sigh. "But he and his wife seem very insistent on coming. We could have security turn them away, till tomorrow?" she suggested, hopefully.

"No, it would just create new problems. All right, we'll have to let Costanza alone as well as Seinfeld and Miss Benes...At least for tonight. After all, they didn't really see anything. But this Kramer is more troublesome...He must be dealt with. And I think we have just the man for the job." His desk phone buzzed. "Ah, Claude...What is the status? Good, the bloods on Costanza and Ms. Benes are retrieved. Now, listen, Claude. Belay my order to bring Costanza to the old area cells. That means cancel, Claude. Have Costanza taken back to his room and bring that fellow, that 'Kramer' to phlebotomy. What? Well, if it helps keep him calm let Costanza come to phlebotomy with him, but Kramer is to come to the cell you prepared for him here. Just tell Costanza that we want Kramer to be observed more carefully. Besides, I'm sending my partner to assist you. He'll see to Kramer if he becomes too troublesome. As for Ms. Benes..." faint smile. "She can come to this area as planned but perhaps best to bring her with Kramer or Costanza, though treat only Kramer as a potential infectious case...But avoid as much as possible having him, Costanza, or her seen by the staff. Yes, good idea...Put him in a tent... And let me know as know as they're each secure in their new rooms. Claude, use your brains, man. Ms. Benes to her room first, then Kramer to his cell. All right, then. Make this quick and discreet, Claude. Then get over here for our patient's reception. There is yet much to be done tonight."

He hung up, tapping fingers... "Well, if we can deal with Mr. Kramer and keep his friends satisfied, things may yet work out. Thankfully, my partner is again able to assist."

"As for Jerry...Mr. Seinfeld, sir?" Nurse Claire, hopefully.

"Yes, yes...The man seems clueless enough. Take a blood draw and tell him if his friends' and his tests are clear he can leave tomorrow. You might suggest that the situation with Mr. Kramer is less certain."

"I will, Doctor." Nod.

"Once he's secure, report to the research lab in the old area. We're going to proceed regardless. The work must continue. Tonight we cure the Bubble Boy! Or, possibly just learn from another minor setback. Either way, Science marches on!" raising fist.

"Yes, Dr. Lang!" firm nod. "Oh, if the Costanzas do come tonight?"

"Yes...Well, I'll give orders that you are the one to be contacted to deal with them. Let them speak to their son by room phone, but only that...Use all your social grace to quiet any concerns. I count on you to deal with the situation, Nurse Claire." Firm nod. "With extreme prejudice, should that prove necessary..."


"Oh..." Elaine looked round the rather well-appointed room. Tres ritzy, even palatial, if in somewhat antiquated style, for a hospital room... "This is very nice."

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