Chapter 8 - The bloodbath on Weibo.

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However, Jian Fan is not as expected of everything.

The butterfly effect is mysterious and mysterious.

Shen Qinghuan frowned as she watched the cold system text messages in her small rental house.

[Due to the adjustment of the advertising plan, the originally scheduled public audition was cancelled. Thank you for your registration and participation, and we look forward to working with you next time. 】

It is too common for them to audition for being pigeons.

It’s just that Shen Qinghuan has always liked the products in this advertisement, so she was somewhat disappointed on her face.

Shen Qinghuan was braiding her long hair into braids, wondering whether to call Jian Fan to discuss her revenge plan.

Before the call was made, a popular tweet popped up on Weibo.

With just one glance, Shen Qinghuan’s hands braiding her hair froze.

[Xu Anshen: The earth is round, and you are mine. @裴清雅】

Pei Qingya reposted this Weibo with a “good” and cute expression.

The two people just made an official announcement so quietly, and the word “explosive” was followed by the hot search entry on Weibo.

The marketing account moved after hearing the wind, and took advantage of the unprecedented enthusiasm of the two to shed light on the past of the two.

Although there was a lot of trouble in the past, netizens are all goldfish memories. When they carefully sorted it out again, they still had the illusion of realizing it.

The names of Jian Fan and Shen Qinghuan have been mentioned.

But the rhetoric and treatment of the two are quite different.

There is a marketing account saying that Pei Qingya can’t love Jian Fan and has been in love for many years, but there are also marketing accounts that say that Pei Qingya and Jian Fan are just good friends. They were misunderstandings back then.

The comments below also account for both arguments, and even quarreling in the comment area.

But Shen Qinghuan’s rhetoric is extremely unified.

Either it is a female artist who clings to a wealthy family, who was seen through by Xu Anshen before she even started.

Either it is just a normal friend, and the suspected love affair drafts some time ago is likely to be the woman’s enthusiasm.

The words not only revealed that Xu Anshen had no relationship with Shen Qinghuan, but also despised Shen Qinghuan as a person who sucked Xu Anshen’s blood.

A villa on the outskirts of the Imperial Capital.

Xu Anshen sat on the white sun lounger, half-bowed and brushed his phone, frowning.

Then, looking at Pei Qingya who was eating a low-sugar cake leisurely on the opposite side, he stopped writing on his face again.

Pei Qingya took a small bite of the cake with a fine silver fork and handed it to Xu Anshen, smiling harmlessly.

“An Shen, eat cake.”

Xu Anshen took the fork and was about to send it to the entrance, but he paused and put it down.

“Qingya, I have something to ask you.”

Pei Qingya saw that Xu Anshen hadn’t eaten the cake she gave, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was slightly stagnant. After a while, she said.

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