Chapter 20 - [There are red envelopes] Three shifts.

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As time passed by, the incandescent lamps of the venue fell on everyone’s face, shining clearly.

Smart people often have it.

Soon, someone successively discovered Shen Qinghuan’s purpose.

Of course, most people are not optimistic about it.

Can Shen Qinghuan think of a solution to this problem that even the project leader of the [Crane] brand and JACK, the publicity director, have not been able to solve?

Previously, Shen Qinghuan’s wonderful performance under the theme of [Pure] made Pei Qingya suddenly surprised and squeezed a sweat, but now seeing Shen Qinghuan’s sudden wholeness, she is still weak, even concerned. Worried about Shen Qinghuan, but laughed at Shen Qinghuan’s overweight.

Even she couldn’t say that she won the advertising spokesperson for the theme of “desire”.

Style determines positioning.

Pei Qingya is the head of the Little Fairy of the Pure School. Not to mention, if she picks up the spokesperson for the [desire] theme advertisement, it will be self-defeating. Fans may not accept her style span.

In terms of her appearance, the concepts she expresses with [Desire] are completely unmatched, so if she interprets the theme of [Desire], it will be difficult for the audience to resonate.

Although I don’t want to admit it, Shen Qinghuan does have a good skin.

Cold and decisive, with inviolable purity.

Her purity is not the same as that shown by Pei Qingya. Pei Qingya is like a white rose, tender, tender and pure.

Shen Qinghuan is like a white rose, arrogant, independent, with a bit of coldness and indifferent meaning. Her purity is more like a kind of purity that dare not get involved, just like a saint in the Western world.

But no matter which kind, sticking to “desire”, if the performance is not good, it will definitely be self-defeating.

Pei Qingya smiled.

Shen Qinghuan, do you think highly of yourself?

What she couldn’t do, can Shen Qinghuan do it?

Oh, this joke is so funny.

If Shen Qinghuan is a person who can easily be shaken by the outside world, then these unfavourable voices or doubts around her have long been covering her like a piece of snowflakes, waiting for the last snowflake to fall one day, causing the entire body to collapse.

But Shen Qinghuan is not.

She is now completely immersed in her role as the general’s wife.

She is the general’s wife who misses the general, looks forward to it day and night, and finally looks forward to the return of the general.

But she is the wife of the general from a famous family. She has to restrain her miss and love. She must be a decent general’s wife and can’t be ashamed of the general.

But now in this room, only she and the general she missed.

Can she… quietly express her heart?

Shen Qinghuan raised her eyes, her clear and faint eyes were full of mighty figures of generals. Her long eyelashes trembled lightly. Since she was a little girl, she didn’t dare to show too much or how to show it. Dare to gently ask the general to help her lip.

Jian Fan painted very carefully, stroke by stroke, as if he was finishing a masterpiece.

His indifferent but focused expression, I don’t know how many girls’ hearts were gained in the presence and in front of the screen.

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