Chapter 51 - Paranoid to the crazy little. Three (three shifts)...

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After the last airport incident.

The scandal of the relationship between Pei Qingya and Jian Fan suddenly began to diverge.

Previously said that “Pei Qingya is a simple and traditional confidante, Pei Qingya is a winner in life” and so on, and so on, disappeared in an instant.

More serious doubts have arisen about “Pei Qingya is a confidant of simple and traditional confidantes”.

After all, if you are really a “confidante”, you won’t even have to look at it.

At this level, even ordinary friends are not counted.

As a result, there were passers-by with a clear consciousness and thought about this issue carefully.

Pei Qingya and Jianfan have been in contact with the public several times, carefully, enlarged and enlarged, and analyzed the details in all directions.

And the more analyzed, Pei Qingya’s identity as a “confidante” becomes more untenable.

And… on many occasions, Pei Qingya still has a bit of simple and traditional meaning.

For example, the two people participated in an auction together. Pei Qingya’s brand name was indeed next to Jian Fan, but according to internal reports, Pei Qingya seemed to have a meal with the auction executives before the location map changed.

And… Jian Fan didn’t show up at all that day.

In addition, Jian Fan participated in a technology industry exchange conference. This type of conference has nothing to do with a star.

But Pei Qingya appeared on the scene.

Nominally, he was the guest of the lucky draw for that exchange meeting.

Because of this conference, Jane’s Group is one of the organizers. Coupled with the previous marketing account bonus, everyone will think in a daze that Pei Qingya has a good relationship with Jane Fan, and was invited to be the lucky draw guest.

But in fact, according to what a high-level person at the scene overheard from the backstage, Pei Qingya seemed to be the best friend of a certain Bai Fumi, and Bai Fumi asked her brother to stuff Pei Qingya in.

The voices of questioning come together one after another.

More and more people suspect that Pei Qingya lied.

Even if Pei Qingya’s team had timely public relations, it failed to suppress the seeds of doubt in everyone’s hearts.

It’s just that in this matter, an exact result was not obtained, and Pei Qingya was not shot to death.

Although Pei Qingya’s diehard fans firmly believe that her goddess will not be the kind of person who lies and vanishes, Pei Qingya’s passerby fans have dropped a lot.

These days, it’s considered worrying that Pei Qingya’s team has been broken.

Coming to the “Couple Variety Show” this time, Pei Qingya’s team hopes that Pei Qingya and Xu Anshen can sell a piece of lover’s design, raise the popularity of passers-by, and circle the cp fans back.

But since Pei Qingya came back from the airport, her whole person seemed to have changed a little.

Hearing what the team said, she also seemed to have not heard her, occasionally lost in despair, and occasionally gloomy and tight.

On several occasions, the staff of Pei Qingya’s team looked at her insidious face, almost startled, thinking that what they saw was not the former Wen Wan goddess, but some kind of sinister ghost.

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