Chapter 45 - Heartbeat. (Five more in one)......(1)

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Shen Qinghuan’s expression froze for a while, feeling a little at a loss.

After listening to the little secretary said that she would “feed each other” with Jian Fan.

According to the original words of the little secretary, in all close contacts, “feeding to each other” is the most appropriate method for the two at this stage.

It’s not close or far away, and it can also make others feel harmonious.

However, Shen Qinghuan has never even given food to Xu Anshen.

The little secretary suddenly didn’t know: “Sister Qing Huan, this should be quite simple for you, compared to an actor who wants to make a kiss.”

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Qinghuan’s and Jian Fan’s expressions were both subtle.

The former seemed a bit embarrassing, while the latter had a dark face.

Speaking of this, Shen Qinghuan felt a little embarrassed. She had been in the industry for so many years, but the first kiss on the screen was still there.

However, since the little secretary said so, he must have never investigated Shen Qinghuan’s kiss scene carefully.

Shen Qinghuan felt that it was so embarrassing, so it’s better not to expose herself, so she smirked twice.

“When… Of course, I can, it’s easy!”

As soon as the voice fell, Jian Fan’s face seemed to darken a few degrees again.

The little secretary did not doubt, but turned to look at Jian Fan with some worry.

My boss has never been so close to a girl, and he is not good at acting.

The little secretary is very worried that his own boss’s acting is unnatural, and the Motusan couple sees any flaws.

Especially, when the little secretary saw his boss’s slightly dark face, he was even more worried.

Does his own boss also realize his own problems and feel Alexander.

Suddenly, the little secretary was worried. Taking advantage of Jian Fan’s passing moment, she pulled Shen Qinghuan who was a step slower and whispered a few words in a low voice.

“Sister Qing Huan, we BOSS, you know, we are not good at these, you have to take him into the show in a while and help him!”

Shen Qinghuan, who was still hanging in his heart, shuddered when he heard the words, and the pressure in his heart was even greater, but he felt that he was indeed shouldering the responsibility.

If she hadn’t stood up, Jian Fan wouldn’t be even less confident.

She can’t panic.

Shen Qinghuan took a few deep breaths, maintained the surface calmness, and walked towards Jian Fan.

Jian Fan’s table is not a long Western-style table, but an ordinary marble white square table.

However, the dining room is huge. Although there are many decorative ornaments with a sense of technology, the dining table is a bit small.

When Shen Qinghuan walked over, he saw a slightly smaller dining table and was puzzled.

“Why didn’t you change to a larger table?”

Shen Qinghuan remembered that Jian Si’s villa was a Western-style long table. Although Mr. Jian prefers traditional Chinese style, I heard that the dining table is also great.

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