The Beauty of Destruction

486 8 2

Sergey inflicts way too much Lp damage for me to keep track

Y/n(Xyz): And what do you want to do today?


Y/n(Xyz): I'll wake you for the meals

Eat sleep, eat sleep, eat sleep

Y/n(Xyz): It's the second round starting today

You look outside to see a wonderful sunrise

Y/n: Let the Friendship recommence

Melissa: City is united as one! We're all friends on the friendship cups 4th day we'll be starting the second round today here are the 16 challengers that won the first round who will be the 8 of them to duel for the semi-finals the first match of destiny is Zuzu vs Sergey...Listen to those cheers here they are first that cute pretty entertaining angel, currently skyrocketing in popularity Zuzu aged 16

Fanboys: Yes!

Melissa: She's looking even better than in the first round your so cute Zuzu...

Y/n(Xyz): I hope she wins

Melissa: Here is her opponent his first-round match with Damon he seemed unimpressive but he got a lucky win will he perform better today after all he has the presence of a criminal that once had the city trembling

Y/n(Synchro): Go get him Zuzu

Melissa: Now that as you know the course was destroyed two days ago and is still being repaired so we'll be holding the riding duel outside the city palace...Now action field goes Crossover Acceleration Ready...Set...Go....In this duel whoever passes the gate will go first Zuzu looks like she's going first...Sergey starts to speed up and Zuzu's first

Zuzu: I summon Canon the Meliodas Diva from my hand I end my turn with a facedown

Sergey: My turn I summon Thorn Prisoner Van

Zuzu: Zero attack

Melissa: Sergey summoned a monster with zero attack points in attack position?

Y/n(Xyz): That's sus

Sergey: I end my turn

Zuzu: My turn I activate my trap Meliodas Rhythm Change I return one Meliodas monster from the field to my hand to special summon another Melidoas monster from my hand I special to summon Mozart the Maestra I activate Mozarta's effect once per turn I can special summon one Meliodas monster level 4 or below return Canon the Melidoas Diva

Sergey: This is boring

Zuzu: I also summon Solo the Melidoas Songstress from my hand

Melissa: In a flash, Zuzu has 3 monsters on the field and Sergey has zero attack points is it over

Y/n(Xyz): The effect?

Zuzu: Battle I attack Van with Mozart

Melissa: Now Sergey is gonna take 2600 points of damage

Sergey: I activate Van's effect when this card is attacked I can show one thorn prisoner card from my hand and pay 400 life points to reduce battle damage to zero I have in my hand Thorn prisoner Darli

Melissa: Sergey took 400 to avoid 2600

Sergey: And the destroyed Van's effect allows me to special summon it with Darli

Zuzu: Another monster with zero atk

Melissa: Sergey summoned both in attack position what is he thinking

Zuzu: Now attack Darli

Sergey: I activate the Darli effect if on my opponent battle phase a thorn prisoner is on my field besides Darli I can pay 400 to negate the attack

Zuzu: One more attack go Canon

Melissa: Is Sergey going for an action card...Sergey accidentally took damage after all that showing off

Zuzu: Are you all right your hurt I end my turn

Sergey: Beautiful...My turn I summon a second thorn prisoner Darli from my hand level 1 Darli tunes level 1 Van Synchro summon level 2 Thorn Observer Zuma Zuma's effect activates when this card is successfully summoned all monsters gain one Thorn counter monsters with thorn counters cannot attack and each turn's end phase we each take 400 points of damage I end my turn with a face-down at the same time I take 400 points of damage

Melissa: Sergey tied up all the monsters and chipped away at his life points to keep them from attacking...Zuzu's monsters on the field have had their attacks sealed how will she fight

Zuzu: It isn't over I'm getting started I DRAW!

Sergey: I activate my continuous trap thorn Growth its effect doubles the damage done by the counters

Zuzu: I activate Polymerisation I fuse all three of my monsters Fusion summon Bloom Prima the Meliodas Choir for each component its attack increases by 300

Sergey: I activate the effect of Thorn Growth when a thorn counter leaves the field I take 100 points of damage

Zuzu: Now the battle

Sergey: I activate Zuma's effect when it is attacked and its synchro counterparts are in the graveyard I pay 400 life points to decrease damage to zero and Zuma meaning leaving the field means I take 100 points of damage when there are no thorn counters on the field this card is destroyed and Zuma's effect lets me special summon the monster and its components

Melissa: Th monster that was destroyed returns

Zuzu: I'm not done yet Bloom can attack twice

Sergey: I activate Darli's effect I can pay 400 life points to negate the attack

Melissa: Sergey negated the attack but his Lp is at 200

Y/n(Xyz): Some Lp diff card is going to be activated

Y/n: Why?

Y/n(Xyz): Use your disadvantage to your advantage

Zuzu: I end my turn

Sergey: You think your winning now let's end this with your demise my turn I activate polymerisation I fuse Van, Darli and Zuma Fusion summon

Melissa: After that speech...?

Sergey: Its effect now activates becomes the double difference between my life points and 2500

Y/n: 4600!?

Sergey: And once per turn, I can pay 100 life points to reduce one of your monsters attack points to 100 attack

Zuzu: Action card

Sergey: Your struggle is beautiful


Zuzu Lp 4000-4800=-200 Sergey Wins

You start to go berserk and all nearby objects are smashed through the window

Melissa: It-----


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