A Eternal Duel

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Yuya and You landed and saw Jack and Crow driving their D-Wheels and start running with them to try and find Zuzu

Yuya: Zuzu


And eventually, find Riley and Moon shadow

Riley: Yuya

Yuya: Where's Zuzu.

Riley: My sister is fighting to get her back she's in this room with Roget

Crow: He's right here but-

Gong: Yuya, Y/n!

Yuya: Gong...Zuzu's in that room Declan is fighting Roget

Sora: I'll unlock it...

Yuya: Sora...

Sora: Sorry...not only did I lose Celina but Zuzu too

Y/n: Take your time your in critical conditioning

Sora: Thanks but leave it to me...I promise that we'll get them back

Sora uses Hacking mode on the lock and eventually, the door opened

Y/n: Declan

Riley: Sister

Declan: An eternal duel?

Roget: Yes I shall not lose

Declan: If it goes eternally...You'll be giving up before I do

Roget: I shall never surrender don't be dumb I DRAW

Declan: In that instant, I special summon Chaos King Apoclapse from my hand using its effect then I destroy D/D Savant Thomas and D/D Nikola Pendulum Zones

Roget: What?

Declan: During your turn, this can only be activated once

Roget: TO destroy the weapons of the Lancers

Declan: When D/D Savant Nikola is destroyed and sent to my Extra Deck, one Pendulum monster on the field is returned to my hand and Nikola and Thomas in the Extra Deck are returned to my hand then I activate the continuous trap Dark Contract with the swinging abyss when one D/D Pendulum monster is returned to my hand I deal its defence points as damage and its defence points are 2000 so take 2000 points of damage

Roget Lp 2000-2000= 0 Roget Loses

Gong: He disappeared

Moons Shadow: Another will appear

Roget: Useless

Y/n: He's Back?!

Computer: 2000 points as penalty for intruding...

Roget Lp 4000-2000=2000

Roget: I'm immortal

Declan: And the same thing can keep happening because of Chaos King Apocalypse...The Cycle can keep repeating

Roget: Impossible

Declan: Now tell me your plan *Tilts head up*

Yuya & Y/n: ZUZU!

Declan: You intend to continue Roget

Roget: How desperate are you to ruin me while using your front known as Lancers to play

Gong: What are you saying?!

Roget: Her Farther, Leo Akaba the professor he's your real enemy as the head of the academy

Yuya: Your Farther?

Sylvio: IS the head of Academy

Roget: That's right, you've been deceived you have made accomplices in the interdimensional war

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