A Broken World

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You and Yuya are attempting to have Shay regain consciousness

Sayaka: We should take her back to base

Y/n: Get her on my-

Something latches to your duel disk activating it

Computer: Field Spell Crossover

You pulled up to an abandoned street and see the person from before and a massive cage appears around you and them

???: I activated the field spell Steel Cage Match now no one can interfere with our duel I am Aster phoenix supreme commander of the Academy's Xyz Expeditionary force we will settle this

Y/n: I won before and I don't accept this duel

Y/n(Xyz): No chance

Y/n: Xyzian

Y/n(Xyz): Academy's members are so cruel they'll mercilessly challenge even crippled duelists if we want them to reach the base we have to beat him

You notice that they're being surrounded

Sylvio: Looks like we're in trouble and your boyfriend is in trouble

Yuya: I don't know if we can beat them all-Kite?!

Kite: Leave this to me

Yuya: This is ridiculous by even your standards

Kite: Y/n!, do what Xyz would do and end the big boss barian!

Y/n: You know what I accept your challenge I beat you once I'll do it again

Aster: I take the first turn I summon Destiney Hero-Decider from my hand and I end my turn

Y/n: one monster no face downs fine by me my turn I draw, I set the pendulum scale with scale 3 Odd-eyes Handstandragon

Odd-Eyes Handstandragon Atk 400 Def 600 Lvl 2 Scale 3

Y/n: And Scale 8 Odd-eyes mirage dragon I pendulum summon Odd-Eyes Dag Dragon

Odd-Eyes Dag Dragon Atk 2000 Def 600 Lvl 5 Scale 2

Y/n: Now Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, now attack Dag Dragon attack Decider

Aster Lp 4000-400=3600

Y/n: Now Odd-Eyes attack him directly

Aster: I activate Destiney Hero-Dynatag I send it from my hand to the graveyard I negate the attack and deal 1000 points to both players and this time I activate Decider's effect by returning it to my hand I can negate the damage done to me

Y/n Lp 4000-1000=3000

You notice that Kite looks like he might be in trouble

Y/n: Kit-

Y/n(Xyz): You idiot you need to focus on our duel

Y/n: Fine, I end my turn

Aster: My turn I draw, I activate Polymerisation from my hand I fuse Destiney Hero Decider and Drilldark I fusion summon Destiney Hero-Dystopia now Dystopia's effect activates Dystopia deals attack points as damage when it's a fusion component

Y/n Lp 3000-1600=1400

Aster: I activate Delay Armour to Dystopia and attack Pendulum Dragon

Y/n Lp 1400-300=1100

Aster: Now it activates when Pendulum dragon it also destroys Dag Dragon and deals 500 points as damage

Y/n Lp 1100-500=600

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