The Day the Devil was born

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No-one Pov

Yugo: I found you two

Aster: Sora what are you doing here

Sora: Funny story I heard you joined Yuya's side I didn't expect to hear something like that from you

Yuri: I told you Y/n, you should've got the job and your copy with...who are you again

Yugo: Don't act like you don't know me! You stole Rin!

Yuri: Relax...Banana can you relax for one moment I need to card some whore then we can sort It out

Yugo: Like hell to that, Duel me now or I'll crush you

Aster: What about Rin?

Y/n(Synchro): You take care of that first we need to crush them

Aster: I thought that was-

Yugo: We need to crush them so that they'll never take her away from us

Y/n(Synchro): Go!

Aster: I got it, win for Rin's sake

Yuri: Well sweetie we got no other choice

Y/n(Fusion): you said it bunny

Yuri: We battle each other lookalikes and different duels understood?

Yugo: Just bring it

Y/n(Synchro): We'll crush you

Yuri: I'll use my deck for this one

Y/n(Fusion): Smart idea more satisfying against the pest that kept annoying you

Y/n(Synchro): Don't talk about my Yugo like that

Y/n(Fusion): She's a banana head

Standard Pov

Yuya: Dad!

No-one Pov

Yushow: we meet again Leo

Yuya: "Some time"? he knew the professor

Riley: Leo Akaba

Declan: Stay back Riley

Leo: Riley?

Yusho: Leo...Why must you do something foolish

Leo: Foolish?

Yusho: Using the idea of creating an ideal world to justify the carding of millions of people

Yuya: Dad

Yushow: You were a genius who used light to create matter and created the real solid vision you are the sole reason that Action Duels exist so the day I met you it changed my life


The generator starts and a small duel monster appears and Yushow touches it

Yushow: It can be touched it has mass! So this is the Solid Vision

Leo: So would you like to use it

Narrating Yushow: From that day on we worked on Solid vision together and the result which allowed duelists to ride their monsters as well

End of Flashback

Yushow: You are the real creator the one true founder of entertainment duels I'm grateful that I met you

Yuya: They did that?

Yushow: Let me ask you more time, Why? Why would you want to invade other dimensions?

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