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So let me catch yall up on what's been going on.  So first it's graduation day, me and India had made sure the boys graduated. We let Rubi join our lil group but something don't sit right with me when it come to her. We're cool but Rubi and India don't fuck with each other at all. They almost went to blow with each other.

India's pregnancy was confirmed when we went to the clinic. Durk was so happy when she told him so was von and wop. She is now 6 months at the end of the second trimester.  We had a gender reveal which I plan. It's a girl. They want me and von to be the godparents.

Speak of  Von, he's been acting different lately. I just don't understand. We were good the whole spring break, we spend the last night tangled up in each other and the sheet. I thought we was good but he been distant and he don't show affection at all. It really breaks my heart because I'm two months pregnant. I don't think he loves me no more but we did create this child together so I am going to tell him today.

We are supposed to meet up later at his house. I haven't told anybody yet because I just found out two days.

After the graduation ceremony, we went out to eat with our family. My grandma even came up here. She lives in Atlanta. I was so happy to see her, she literally my heart in human form. My dad and my stepmom, Monica gave me 10 grand apiece to do with it as I please. I was think getting myself a place and starting a business.

We were done eating now so we all were just talking When von leaned and say " you still come over later there something got to tell you" "yeah there's something I have to tell you too"  Now what if he finna breaks up with me.

We all were just talking and laughing until we feel like it was time to leave. I left with my parents to change. I do consider Monica my parent she has been in my life since I was 10. My mom died when I was 8 in a car addicent. At first, I didn't like her I thought she was trying to replace my mom.

I went home and change then got in my daddy car.

I went home and change then got in my daddy car

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As I pulled up I saw a lot of car. So these mfrs having a party but I wasn't going to let that stop me. So I give my myself pep talk then made my way the party.

It was mostly people if the block and school at the party. I went to find von I look around I couldn't find him so I went to his room. When I reach the door I saw that it was crack. I was about to walk in but then I saw rubi.

Why the fuck she in my man room. I was about to ask but then I saw von walked out of his bathroom. "Why you still in here" he ask her " Because we still have to talk" rubi told him." I told you I love Lani and that we can't do this nomore" when he said that I literally feel my heart break. I gave this man my everything and its still wasn't enough. " Where was your love for her when you was fucking me" I made that my cue to walk in.

"yeah I Would like to know that too" I walk in they look shocked to see me " why the fuck yall look stuck now yall was stuck fucking behind my back" von walk toward me and I back up from him"Lani listen it not-" I just black out and started beat his ass. " Lani stop ... Someone help" Rubi was trying to get me off Von so I started beat her ass.  I fell myself being lift up " Lani stop please" I struggle to get out of his hold " Von fuck you" I got out of his hold and punch the shit out of him.

"Sis you got to chill ... what happen" Muwop grab me. "This pussy ass nigga cheated on with that loosely pussy bitch over there." I saw von help rubi her It made me more mad " Let me go I am going to kill them" Durk came in then turn around and told everybody to leave.

Wop carried me out the to the living room. " Lani whats wrong whats going on why you crying" India ask me " because I want to kill them I am going to kill them""Sis you not kill nobody" Durk grabbing my face trying to calm me down ." come on breathe you got to breathe"

I started to calm a lil but i was still pissed. " Look you dont have to forgive them... you don't even have to fw them but let them explain" Durk said as I just sat quiet think of way to get pass durk and muwop to kill them.

" Ailani I am telling you this girl don't mean shit to me it was a mistake.""See that some bullshit let me tell you whats really going on""Rubi Shut your hoe ass-"I was getting try of this I just want the truth," Von shut up and let her talk" Von stayed quieted "how long" I ask "since march" These motherfuckers been fuck for three months. That mean he stuck his dick in her then came back to me. I'm fucking two months pregnant ."lani -" "I thought I told your ass to shut up"" Ayye I am trying but you ain't finna keep talking to out the side of you neck."

"Bitch" I tried to get up but durk push me down." ohh and if you was wondering why your best friend is so quiet it because she knew" I just shook my head calmly. "I was going to tell you but von want to be the one to tell your first he was supposed to tell you today"" how and when did you find out" I look a girl I thought was my best friend "Last week, I found her sneaking out his room"I continue to shake my head calmly"I am going to ask you this one time and please dont lie to me Durk did you know" He look at me and did say nothing. I knew he knew if India knew. I look at wop"sis I didn't know nothing about this I am really to beat all their ass with you"

I burst out laughing because this shit honestly funny to me. They all look at me like I was crazy I turned serious. " I am done ... not just with von but with all you" Point at them expect for wop. India was crying"why tf you crying for" "lani please cant we just talk about this I had my reason""Fuck your reason ... you know what you pregnant I am not about to argue with you" I got up about to leave when Von grab me " where you going we not done talking""yes we are Von its over please go back to your new bitch"" That not my bitch I dont give a fuck about her. if you want to shot her I will right now" "Tf von" Rubi got up " I dont care what you do von not anymore. You been distance yourself from me for a min now. I was think I did something wrong but no you been fucking this Lola bunny crackhead ass bitch " Wop started laughing.This nigga cant take nothing serious.

I try to push von hand off me but he tightin his grip on my arm. "I said you not going until me talk" " Nigga fuck you" "ayye let her arm go aint play with you" Wop said "wop stay out of it""no I think I stay in or should i go get her dad so he can handled it " Von let my arm go "just let me stay this one thing ... I am sorry I really do love you lil folk I will die about you and kill for you. I just got in my head I felt like I didn't deserve you. I promise to make it up to you.""Are you done so I can leave now" After that I walk to my car and got in. I was about to pull off when Muwop jump in the scaring the shit out of me

"wtf muwop""what you though I was staying with them people after what just happen hell nawl" we both still stay in o'block so I drove us both home when we reach the there we just sat in the car slient." muwop I have something to tell you but you cant tell noboby especially von" " You know i got you lil sis what is it"" I am pregnant"" Are you foreal how long""Two months""ohh that mean"" yeah he been fuck me and her at the same time" He grab me and gave me a hug " Just know got you if you need anything""I know"

After that he made sure I got in okay. "Lani baby is that you" monica ask come out the room with her robes. when I say her I just started crying "baby whats wrong" she ran to me "he cheated on me"i said crying more my dad came out "what hell wrong with you, lord who i got to kill""von cheated on me""ohh I am going to kill him" " Daddy no you can't""why I cant i told him if he hurt I wouldn't spar him even if he was slick son"" you cant because... I am pregnant"

"what" My daddy and moncia said together. "I am sorry I didn't mean to""Lani baby how you know do you know how far along you is"Moncia asked as my daddy look mad asf "I was feeling sick and I was throwing up so I went to the doctor and they told me""So you telling me he cheated on you and you pregnant ... oh I am beat his ass then kill him.""He don't know yet I was going to tell him today but I found he been on me with Rubi and Durk and India knew plus I already beat his ass and hers I give them at his' and hers ass whopping"

"Not you fight and you pregnant... you just like your father"moncia say still hold me"I think I want to move to Atlanta with Grandma I need a break""baby you cant runaway from your problems" My dad said sat down by me." I am not it just to much going on I dont know who I can trust here. I want a want a fresh start for me and my baby"" Can we talk more about this in the moring ...okay" "okay"

I went to my room and change my clothes then got in bed. I was so exhausted as some as my head hit the pillow I was out.

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