• Chapter 10

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"Okay, so Scott is a... werewolf?" Winter says from her spot in Stiles' jeep. Confusion adorned her face as she attempts to wrap her head around everything the boy in front of her has said. Still frozen, Winter looks at the brunet boy from her peripheral. He hasn't turned around since he began telling her everything only keeping focus on the woods of the preserve ahead out of her sight.

"Yeah" he said with a bit of a somber inflection. His head rose to the steering wheel as if bracing himself for her reaction. As if he was preparing himself for her to freak out.

"Stiles..." Winter poke still looking at the anxious boy. Her voice was soft yet held weight to it, she waited for a moment before asking a question as to ensure his attention. Just as he finally turned to look at her, Winter asked her question to the boy whose eyes were glistening as if ready to cry but held sympathy as though he could understand anything shed ask. "Was this all what you've been keeping from me this entire time?"

Stiles was shocked by her question. Why wasn't she denying anything, or lashing out, crying? Why did she have to be so calm? He turned around once more, unable to look her in the eye as he stared out the window. "Yeah, we didn't want you to get involved. But you were always there and helpful. Winter we all want you to know because we want you arounds more we just didn't plan for you to find out like thi- Winter!"

As Stiles talked winter couldn't help but feel happy at, the way he spoke about her and before she knew it Winter realized her arm was reaching out for him. Noticing that the kanima venom was no longer affecting her she sat up and hugged the Stilinski boy capturing him into an uncomfortable and awkward but comforting embrace.

They sat in silence for a second to sit in each other's warmth before breaking away. "Thank you for telling me, and in case it wasn't obvious. I believe you. After everything we've been through, I believe you." 

A few days pass and it's the night of the rave. Scott, Stiles and Derek's pack are preparing to catch Jackson as Allison and her family have a plan to get Jackson. Meanwhile, Winter is preparing to go to the raze with Matt.

After pulling her hair in to a simple pony, she changed clothes deciding on a crop top with a light cardigan and shorts with high boots. Once she received a text from Matt stating he was coming over with Allison, she left to sit outside for the car.

Once at the building the three entered and Allison excused herself after seeing Scoot in the distance. Matt took Winter to dance and although they were having fun winter felt a discomfort with, they boy. After sometime, She noticed stiles passing by along the wall and entering a room off limits.

Realizing immediately that tonight they were attempting to stop Jackson and she began to try to get Matt to leave. After some pestering that she wanted to step outside for a moment, Matt left to get her water.

Taking the moment to find stiles she ran to the direction she last saw him seeing him standing next to a giant hole in the wall. "Stiles" she shouts barley getting his attention.

"Winter what are you doing her, it's not safe." He asks, grabbing onto her arms.

"I came with Allison and Matt; we didn't know you were doing it here. Should we leave?"

As The Elowen Grows • Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now