Chapter One

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"I took Zoey out the other day and she didn't ask me to buy her anything, I find that super suspicious." I said.

"Maybe she's finally stopped taking advantage of your mon-" Liam stutters before Henry saves him by jumping in. "Think what Liam meant to say is she feels bad for wasting your time."
"I don't think that's it, she's never cared about that kind of thing before." The boy stops to look at his best friend who seems to be zoned out. "What do you think, Jake?"

Jake was staring out the window absentmindedly, while I impatiently called his name in order to get his attention.

He finally snapped his head towards me as I narrowed my eyes in annoyance that he hadn't paid any attention to anything I had said.

"Oh uh, yeah! I agree! You're totally right, Drew!" Jake blurts out.

"You haven't listened to a single word I've said, have you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, sorry. I just was...zoned out for a second." He confessed.

"Is your club really that important? I wouldn't waste your time thinking about those freaks."

"Don't call them that." Jake said sternly, I rolled my eyes in response.

"Fine, whatever." I mutter, I was too exhausted from everything that's been going on with Zoey lately anyways.

"Lately it seems like you prefer their company over ours, I thought we were supposed to be your best friends." I say sourly.

"When you put it like that, it makes you sound jealous." Henry and Liam laugh as I feel my face heat up. I look down at my lunch tray to avoid looking at the three.

"Shut up. It's just that you used to care enough to listen to me." I say in my defense.

"You guys are my homies, of course I prefer you guys. I was just busy thinking about our English test later." Jake awkwardly chuckles, making it obvious that he was lying to Drew.

"Sure, then I guess you won't need to hang out with them after the competitions over? You're gonna confess to Daisy and then you'll leave the club, right?" I ask.

"Yeah, right. Only for Daisy." Jake tells me.

"Not to kill the mood, but what if you get rejected?" Liam buts in.

"Have some faith in me, guys. And who would possibly reject someone who's as talented as me?" Jake says, crossing his arms.

"With all that confidence, you'd be able to ask her out already." Liam says to Jake.

Jake's eyes widened as he saw what time it was on his phone. "Shoot, forgot I had a club meeting. I'll see you guys later!" Jake quickly got up with his tray and rushed off.

"Don't look so blue, Drew. I know it must be sad to see your boy running off to the music freaks," Henry says with a smirk forming on his face. "Instead of into your arms." Henry and Liam snickered as I once again rolled my eyes.

"Ugh, did he have to leave me with you two idiots?" I say under my breath.

"Awh come on, Drew. You know you love us." They say.

I rolled my eyes, I'm tired of Jake ditching me and leaving me alone with these two who could barely hold a decent conversation.

*After school at Drew's house*

I managed to get Jake to come over and play Genshin with me. We walk up the stairs and make a left to enter my room. I turn on my PC located on my desk, and Jake pulls out his phone.

(idk how to write time skips without saying time skip lmao)

I sigh, leaning back into my chair. "How about we take a bit of a break and get some water?" I suggest, tired of Jake being way better than me.

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