Chapter Three

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I spent most of the next day worrying about Jake and wondering why he wasn't answering any of my texts or calls.

My parents were pretty mad at me but I was anxious to get back to school and ask Jake what his mom said to him after they left my house.

On Monday morning, I get to school fifteen minutes early because Jake should be finishing up his music practice.

Where was the room again? Right, the room right by the library. I walk in, and to my surprise, I find that Austin girl and her brother.

I glanced around to make sure that Jake wasn't hiding.

"And what business do you have here? Come to degrade us again, hm?" Her brother asks.

"I'm here for Jake." I tell them.

"Well, he's not here so take your attitude elsewhere." Austin crosses her arms apathetically.

"You're the only one with an attitude. Don't act so above me just because Jake's your singer." I gave her an aloof look.

I could practically see steam coming out her ears; she goes to say something else but she gets interrupted by a loud voice stumbling into the room.

"Crap! I forgot my bag!" Jake tries to catch his breath. He had probably come from his classroom on the second floor.

"At least we support his dream." Austin continued and walked out with her brother at her side.

Jake grabs his bag from the floor. He was about to leave but hesitates and says, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to ask about what happened when you left yesterday." I explained.

His eyes widened and he looked down at his feet. I waited for him to give a reply but once I figured out he wasn't going to give me one, I clenched my fist.

"Jake, come on. I'm seriously worried about you." I tried to stay strong but I felt my voice crack.

He looked up at me, his eyes full of shock from what I said."You were worried about me?"

"Of course I was worried about you! You got into a fight for me and then your mom came and took you home, and you weren't answering my calls and-" My hands were shaking and my voice was quivering by now.

"I didn't know you felt that way."

I rub my face on my sleeve and stare back at him. "Of course I do, you've always been there for me and I want to do the same."

"My mom took my phone. She said that I should stop being friends with you." He explained.

My eyes widened and I felt my heart drop. "What...?"

"I'm sorry, Drew. I don't want to stop talking to you but my mom just wants the best for me, she says I've been getting into too much trouble with you lately."

I felt my fists start to shake in anger. "She thinks I'm a bad influence on you?"

He looked taken aback. "Drew, that's not exactly what I-"

"No, Jake. That is exactly what you said!"

"I'm not the one who said that! My mom is the one trying to keep me away from you!"

"Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?" My fists were clenched so hard I felt my knuckles going pale.

We continued yelling at each other and I raised my fist out of impulse, not actually intending to hurt him.

As soon as Jake saw my raised fist, he leaned forward and pulled me into a hug.

My anger softened and I leaned into his touch, eventually we both felt calmer and pulled away from each other.

Only for Him  [Drew x Jake]Where stories live. Discover now