Chapter 5

291 8 45

(Wednesday: 3 days before the Competition on Saturday)

"Bzzzt; Bzzzt; Bzzzt; Bzz-." I'm rudely awakened by the torturous buzzing coming from my phone. "Ugh." I sigh. I rubbed my eyes and snoozed my alarm's blaring noises.

I dragged myself slowly out of my luxurious queen bed, and slid my cold feet into my black fuzzy slip-on slippers.

My stomach growls faintly, I ignore it and walk into my brightly lit bathroom with modern black and white floor tile. Grabbing my black electric toothbrush, I quickly rinse it with water, then squeeze out the minty paste from the tube. I then wet the tip of my toothbrush once more, then I turned on the power button.

After I spit out the toothpaste, I take a drink of water with my pale blue plastic cup.

I then get dressed into a maroon turtleneck sweater and layer it with a black zip up jacket. I throw on some black jeans and my regular shoes.

I checked my notifications, only to see that I was spammed with people tagging me in the school's viral video of me and Zoey on Gachagram; I proceeded to block all of the users.

God, can this get any more annoying?

Grabbing my bag, I swiftly grab a chocolate chip granola bar from our large pantry and head out the door.


At school, people continue to gossip about me through the halls. I pretend not to notice and they awkwardly smile at me passing by.

I get to my locker, where I meet with Henry and Liam having a disagreement about whether Stacy's mom or Stacy is hotter. Those two get stupider every time I see them. I roll my eyes in disgust of them, and unload my unnecessary things into my locker.

"Drew, you're a ladies man. Who's hotter? It's obviously Stacy's mom!" Liam suggested to me with a confident smirk plastered onto his freckled face.

"I want nothing to do with your stupid debate." I dead faced the two idiots.

I slam my locker door a bit harshly, startling the peers around me, and walk away to find Jake.

"Jeez, what do you think is up his ass this morning?" Liam looks over to Henry in confusion.

"Certainly not Ja-." Henry starts.

"Bllliiinnngggg!" The bell goes off, signaling the students to make their way to their classes.


I get out my notebook and prepare myself for an hour of Chemistry notes. Once that was over, I studied for my lab tomorrow.

"Bzzzt-" a noise comes from my phone.


(Hey, thx again for watching Emma)

(It's whatever)

Yeah, you better thank me; afterall I dealt with a demon

(Are we having lunch today?)

(No, sorry. I have a practice. Big day is almost here)


Read at 8:20 am


Jake's POV:

"Mr. Sterling, do I need to take your phone?" The teacher asks. I slightly jump at the sudden mention of my name.

"Ah- no, ma'am." I say, putting my phone into my pocket.

It sucks that I'll be too busy to see Drew because of rehearsals. Not to mention, he's leaving the same night of the competition. I really miss hanging out with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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