Chapter 4

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I heard my parents yelling downstairs right as Jake texted me he was at my house.

I got my stuff and walked downstairs as my mother and father looked at me.

"Drew, tell your father he's being ridiculous."

Before I could get in a word, my father chimed in with a glare.

"Drew, tell your mother she's acting like a lunatic."

I rolled my eyes. "Nope, not getting involved in this." I walk out the door, ignoring their calls after me. I refused to be the buffer in their arguments, especially since Jake was waiting for me outside.

I walked out the door and closed it behind me. Jake was standing on the porch on his phone but looked up and smiled as soon as I came out.
"Ready to go, Drew?" Jake asked me, putting his phone away in his jacket pocket.

'Yeah, let's go." I ignore the loud yelling of my parents behind the closed door and walk off the porch as Jake jogs to catch up with me.

"So..." Jake drags out as I stare at him.

"So, what?"

"Have you figured out what you're gonna say?" He tilted his head and suddenly my mind went blank and my mouth got dry.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure this time I'll be able to correctly break up with her."

"Good for you, man!" Jake says, a bit too loudly.

Suddenly, we got to a crosswalk and got ready to cross the street. I almost walked in front of a car before Jake grabbed my arm and pulled my body back against him.

I looked back at him as both of our faces flushed. I stared down at the ground as Jake grabs my hand and pulls me across the street as the car drives out of sight.

"Thanks." I mumbled, keeping up with his fast pace.

"Didn't I tell you once to stop being so reckless?"

"I'm not a child, Jake." I tell him and he tightens grip on my hand.

"I just don't want you to get hurt. Especially on my watch." He smiled at me.

"Yeah, whatever; Mom." I teased. "Are you gonna let go of my hand?" I say, only half joking.

"No, I'm good. Come on!" He suddenly starts running and pulls me alongside him.

"Jake! Slow down!" I ran after him and tried to catch my breath.

"Live a little, Drew!' He calls from in front of me.

He's always saying stupid stuff like that, asking me to be reckless, 'have fun', and 'live a little', In spite of myself, I usually end up doing it anyway just because of him and his stupid persuasiveness.
We get to the school and follow the crowds over to the field. Jake hands the people at the table near the entrance our tickets. They take our tickets and let us know it's alright to go ahead. I try to hide my disappointment when Jake drops my hand and we go inside.

I didn't realize that I had forgotten to buy my ticket. I'll have to remember to pay him back for it later.

"Hey! It's the simp and the rich boy!" Henry runs up to us with Liam.

Jake and I fist bump them as they tell us where their seats are.

Jake goes off to get snacks while I follow the other two idiots to their seats. I narrowed my eyes as he walked away, already mentally prepared to save him from dealing with some girl who flirts with him.

Henry must have noticed me watching him because he looks at Jake walking away then back at me. "Sorry, Drew. Were we interrupting your guys' date?'

"What? It's not a date." I hid my sudden embarrassment as we sat down in our seats.

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