Chapter Twenty Nine

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The entire palace had been taken over by Asgardians, every hall asides from our private quarters were overtaken. I was quite thankful for the boundaries that had been established by the guards. It would be quite uncouth if a poor unsuspecting citizen were to walk in on a murder scene before maids had the chance to clean it up. I couldn't imagine how I could lie my way through the murder of a man who looked just like me.

I had to give that variant of myself credit. He had put up quite the fight, using illusions and more to his advantage. In all honesty, he had been a better fighter. He had more strength than me, his magic was far more powerful too, but he was unhinged. With ever punch or beam of magic came an element of sloppiness. The fight between two Lokis came down to a manner of will, and at a point, he gave up. My love for my daughter, the drive to give her what she deserved proved me the victor. Afterall, I would do anything for my baby girl-even murder. He couldn't say the same.

But truthfully, no amount of love for my daughter would prepare me for the image that had been seared into my mind. The image of my mirror, my own flesh and blood, myself, kneeling before me. The way his voice rattled within my ears, begging for me to just make it quick, professing how incredibly sorry he was. I hadn't needed to imagine the horror that must have been within his heart, as I felt it within myself. The terror of killing yourself, watching the color drain from your eyes. Then, just moment later, having to burn the body as if it wasn't yourself, as if it wasn't another 10 pints of blood added to your ledger. But then again, fatherhood made you do crazy things.

Music, laughter, and conversations bounced off the walls, reverberating throughout the entire castle. It seemed as though there was not an inch of quiet within the entire place. I felt rigid and out of place, it was strange to imagine this all had once been my home.

For years, I had known nothing but quiet. The only sounds that we're constant were the chirps of chickens and the steady crashing of waves. Life with Hela in New Asgard was so different than it was here. It was calm, secluded, and strangely beautiful. I had been afforded the luxury of watching my daughter grow up with no interruptions. Right before my eyes Hela had pushed through trauma after trauma and lived each day with such vigor. I had my own front row seat to that and I shared it with no one else.

But here, as I watched my daughter socialize and go about the great hall, I realized I now shared her with all of Asgard. I was unsure of how I felt about that. It had just been her and I against the world, but now...things were different in this new reality.

Worst of all, Hela wasn't the only child her age in this reality. There was Grimnir as well.  Watching him made my blood boil and my skin crawl away from me. I saw the way he looked at her, looked at my daughter as if he owned her. Grimnir's hands held her for a little too long, he smiled a little too wide. I knew those gestures and I knew the looks he gave her, it made me sick. I wanted to skin him alive just to make an example of him.

Truly, Grimnir was fortunate that this reality had a singular saving grace. Her hands trailed my shoulders as she sat besides me, grounding me in an instant. My wife, my love, the mother of my child-Sigyn. The reason why this timeline was worth fighting for. She placed a tall glass of champagne in front of me and followed my gaze. "He's a nice boy, you know," she mused, her voice soft and nonchalant.

I scoffed, watching as he made Hela laugh. My mind raced with the things I could do to him, to show him he had no right to her. Surely Grimnir would look much better as a rug or piece of leather. Sigyn took my chin in her hand, forcing me to look at her. "You can't kill him, dear. I'm afraid you've already reached your blood limit for the night," she said, taking a long sip from her own glass.

My heart jumped into my throat as I turned my full attention to her. Sigyn's face was calm, completely unphased by what she had just revealed knowledge of. "What do you mean?" I asked, trying desperately to match her tranquility.

Sigyn raised a brow before she glanced down at my sleeve. "Red blood on a white shirt sticks out, does it not?" she said, gently tucking away the stained portion of my blouse. She didn't look phased nor angry, for this timeline it seemed as though me committing murder was just a daily occurance.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly, feeling a wave of immense guilt wash over me. In the few moments I had gained with Sigyn, she had already made me out to be a murderer.

"I assume that it was out of necessity," Sigyn said simply, but I could tell the action bothered her. Her skin was covered in goosebumps and as I reached out to take her hand, she instantly recoiled. "I just wish you had waited till after our daughter's coronation to make the day all about you."

My heart sunk to my toes and I had to choke down the guilt I felt. If only I could explain it all to her, then she would understand-I knew she would. As I opened my mouth to attempt to heal the situation but she swiftly cut me off as she handed me her glass. "Be a lamb and get me another glass, please?" she asked, batting her eyelashes and smiling that dazzling smile.

Obediently, I took her glass and did just as she asked. Who was I too disobey her? I had come into her home, murdered her true husband, and now was doing my best to blend into this atmosphere. I desperately wanted it to all work, to have the love from her I once had. The least I could do is pour her another drink.

As I walked to the table full of champagne, mead, and wines, I tried to clear my head-to distract myself from all the craziness. As I poured my glass, I caught a glance of Hela across the ballroom. For the first time in the night, Grimnir wasn't attached at her hip. Just as I saw her, she slipped out of the room-seemingly following another person.

Instantly, I assumed she was sneaking out with Grimnir. As I walked back, I peeked through the doorway, just to see where she may be headed. But to my surprise, as I looked down the hallway, I saw her not with Grimnir. Rather, she was following after a man with white hair...and a tan suit. My eyes went wide as I read the letters on the back of his suit. TVA.

Loki's Daughter, Mortem and MischiefWhere stories live. Discover now