Chapter Forty Five

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I was convinced karma was real and some awful force in the universe was finally making me pay for my actions. In some strange coincidence, the TVA had absolutely no cells open to hold Grimnir until his trial. And to make matters worse, not a single cell would open for another millennia. I was sure that this one in a million chance was crafted to torture me as now Grimnir resided in Asgard once again. He lived just under my feet in the deep and dark belly of the palace, just where Mobius had left him.

I suppose I had to look on the bright side though. Grimnir was in Asgard, meaning I had the luxury to see him in a cell. I would get to watch him whither away, perhaps even go mad. It was quite a delight as long as looked at it in the right light. At least, that's what my mother had been trying to convince me. My father was still more than apprehensive. He scowled and grumbled anytime Grimnir was brought up. When the decision to hold him in Asgard had first been made, he had argued with Mobius for hours-begging for another alternative. He had suggested everything from putting him in a Midgardian prison, to killing Grimnir himself. But, Mobius refused, he reasoned that only Asgardians would be able to make sure a fellow Asgardian stay imprisoned. I thought it was a bullshit excuse but my father had bought it nevertheless.

My mother didn't care one bit about Grimnir, she hardly spoke of him. Part of me wondered if she had forgotten about him entirely, so unbothered to even spare a thought towards him. The last I had heard her even say his name was when I had explained all my wrongdoings to her, came clean about the dagger, the aid in his escape, and even what Mobius had told me regarding Grimnir as well. She had laughed when I told her that Mobius had said that Grimnir and I were supposedly "meant to be". "Perhaps you and Grimnir are meant to be enemies, your father would certainly have a heart attack if you were meant to be lovers,'' she had said Ned perhaps she was right. With all that had happened, not a single bone in my body, not even a cell, had any compassion for Grimnir. I was quite looking forward to see him grow pale and skinny in that cell. Besides, as Queen he was under my control. I was dead set on making his life a living hell.

"Come to torment me more?" Grimnir asked, watching me from the front window of his cell as I waltzed into the dungeons. I could hardly wipe the smile from my face. Over the past month he had been here, I only visited him two other times. The first time, I had crowded his cell with the most annoying spirits I could manifest. I only let them move on to Valhalla when the sound of Grimnir's screaming began to grow old. On the second time around, I had cursed him-made it so that ever bite of food he ate and every sip of water he took tasted like pig's blood. I had thought that one was particularly creative.

"Yes, in fact I am!'' I replied cheerfully as I stood in front of Grimnir. I had a sack hauled over my shoulder as I was just dying to show Grimnir what was inside. My next little trick was going to be quite fun, for me-certainly not for Grimnir. He looked at me wearily, his silver eyes moving to his little present. "Do I want to know what's in there?" He asked softly.

I shook my head. "Certainly not, but you hardly have a choice," I said as I circled over to his cell's entrance. "You see, my hand maids and I just went on a hunt. It was marvelous, we were able to feed the entire village with the venison and boats we caught. But, no one found a use for their heads,'' I explained as I stepped into his cell, the door immediately locking behind me. Grimnir had backed into the corner farthest from me. He was hardly moving and he barely breathed, as if it made any sort of difference.

I smiled at him as I unfurled the sack, letting at least a dozen heads of poor animals fall to the floor. Grimnir flinched as a boar head rolled to his feet, he pressed himself against the wall-terrified that the head may touch him. I scoffed as I kicked another towards him. "Don't be scared, they won't bite. Not yet at least," I said, watching as his eyes went wide.

"Please, Hela. Please, no more tricks," Grimnir begged as he carefully stepped over the heads, slowly coming towards me. "If you don't back up right now, I will make sure you regret ever even looking at me," I warned coldly, my smilie dropping from my face.

"You won't really hurt me, right?" He asked, ignoring my warning as he took one...two...three too many steps towards me. I flicked my hand upwards as I focused on the nerves that ran through his legs, commanding them all to go dead for the time being. Grimnir crumpled to the floor in a heap, only his upper body was able to move now.

His face turned from one of pleading to one of rage. '"Dammit Hela!" Grimnir screamed out through gritted teeth. He brought himself to his elbow and glared up at me. I gave him a grin as I settled into the single chair he had in his room. His hands turned into tight fists as he tried to drag his body closer to me. "You're evil. This is evil," he hissed.

"Really? I didn't know," I said sarcastically as I watched him move around like the worm he was. "I did what I had to do to survive. It wasn't personal. I cared about you Hela and for some damn reason, I still do. You have to see my side. I'm just trying to survive," he said, his voice turning more weepy and whiny. I shook my head.

"No. I don't have to do anything, actually. Only thing I truly have to worry about concerning you is making sure that this gem continues to glow. Dying would be far too merciful for you," I said plainly as I fiddled with the necklace I wore around my neck. It was Grimir's, the one he had given me all those weeks ago. He had promised that as long as it flew that bright blood red color, he would be alive and I would know he was alright. That solitaire ruby still glowed bright red, the light had never gone out as Grimnir was still very much alive. Far from "alright" but alive.

"Then why do you come down here? Why do I still cross your mind, Hela?" He questioned as he came to my feet. I pushed him away, my heel flesh to his forehead. "Because, Grim, it's fun to watch you suffer," I said, peering down at him.

"Is that really it? I see you since when you hurt me, when you curse me or try to make me suffer. Admit you still have feelings for me, admit you wish you could still help me," he demanded as I rose from my seat. "Admit it!" He screamed as I turned to walk out of his cell. "Goodbye, Grim. It's been lovely spending time with you," I said. With a small wave of my hand, I reanimated the dead nerves in his legs. He sprung up and immediately ran towards me but I swiftly shut the door right in his face.

"Don't go, please. Don't leave me," he begged trying to reach through the bars of the door. I laughed lightly. "Dear, you're gonna wish I never came," I said softly, smiling up at him before I snapped my fingers. Instantly, each one of the1 dozen animal heads that laid scattered in his cell began to scream. Their howls and squeaks filled the dungeon as they repeated the sounds they had made when they died. Grimnir's eyes grew large with terror, those silver saucers became brimmed with tears as I turned my back to him.

I left the dungeons, hardly able to hear his cris over the sound of the animals. Usually, I left with a large smile on my face, ha-pay to know just how much Grimnir was suffering. But now, I left with a growing fear and anger within my own heart. Admit it, he had said. Admit it....

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