Chapter 4

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It was now the day in the evening and it was still snowing,Taehyung was playing a game with all his friends and eating some snacks.Once he noticed what time it was he quickly grabbed his things amd left to his home after he said goodbye to all his friends.Once he got inside he rushed to his room and changed,once he was done he headed downstairs to join his father for dinner.His father looked at Taehyung"Hello son.Where were you last night?"He softly asked."Hello father.Oh i was hanging out with my friends."He softly spoke as he sat down at the table."I see..well i hoped you enjoyed yourself."He softly spoke before begining to eat his food.Taehyung began eating as well,the two ate in silence and parted ways once they were done with their meal.Taehyung laid on his bed and sighed,he couldnt help but think about seeing the vampire prince bathing in the waterfall yesterday.He blushed a bit and shaked his head at himself"Jeez Taehyung why the hell are uou thinking about that damn vampire prince!"He mumbled to himself.He huffed as he looked up at the cieling in boredom,he got up and put on a warm coat and his shoes before going onto his balcony and skillfully jumping off it and snuck off into the woods.He hummed to himself as he walked,he kept his hsnds in the pockets of his coat as he silently walked down one of the many paths in the woods.
Jungkook was on the balcony outside of his room enjoying the snow.He loved it when it snowed because of the many memories he had of playing in the snow with his hyungs.He soon walked back into his bedroom and looked through his clothes and sang to himself as he picked an outfit to wear,once he picked out his outfit he changed into it and headed downstairs to join his father for dinner.Today the prince stayed in his room and just relaxed which was actually quite nice.Jungkook walked into the dining room and greated his father and sat down at the table,once he sat down at the table he noticed a few of his favorite dishes were on the table and his favorite wine was also placed on the table as well.Jungkook was a bit curious to why his father had this all prepared for him so suddenly.The two began eating and eventually Jungkooks father spoke "Jungkook i have some great news."He softly spoke."Oh well what is father?"He curiously asked."Well your getting married to the princess of the northern vampire nation."He softly spoke.Jungkook slightly choked on his wine"W-What!Father!"He spoke with a cough."Oh calm down Jungkook,that girl is quite a beauty and she is quite sweet im sure you two will get along quite well."Chanyeol softly spoke."Dad i cant believe you!You know im not ready for marriage!"He spoke aloud."Oh Jungkook stop acting like the end of the world.You were destimed to get married and produce an heir and become king of this kingdom Just like i did at your age!"Chanyeol spoke in an upset tone."Dad did you ever bother to think about how i feel about this!Im never going to be like you!"He spoke aloud."Your acting like a child Jungkook!"Chanyeol spoke as he crossed his arms."Your a monster!If mother was still here she would be against this whole marriage and she would want me to find love in my own time!"Jungkook angrily spoke as he suddenly stood up in his seat.Chanyeol stood up in his seat as well"If your mother were here she would understand what im trying to do for you!".Jungkook grit his teeth and balled his hands into fists"No!Ugh i wish it was you who died instead of mom!"He yelled.Chanyeol went up to Jungkook and harshly slapped his cheek in response to his sons words"What your tongue boy!Your prince i expect you to act like one but your just acting like a damn child!"He shouted.Jungkook winced when his father slapped him,he teared up and ran past his father.Tears ran down his cheeks as he rushed to his chamber,he shut and locked the door behind him and cried.Chanyeol yelled after his son im anger as he rushed out of the dining room,he stopped in his tracks once he realized what he had done.He fell to his knees and hid his face in his hands.Jungkook continued to  cry,he sniffled and wiped his tears.he grabbed an empty bag and quickly packed some of his things inside it,he put his shoes on and jumped down from his balcony.He rushed to the stables and put the sadle on Midnight and quickly attached his bag to his sadle,he mounted him and left the stables and headed into the woods.Jungkook cried and burried his face in Midnights maine as he ran,Midnight soon suddenly abrubtly stopped in his tracks making Jungkook almost fall off him.Jungkook moved away from Midnights maine and sniffled"M-Midnight why d-did you s-stop!"he spoke weakly.He wiped his tears and looked to see what made Midnight stop so suddenly."Jungkook is that you?".Jungkook froze when he recognized the voice"P-Prince Taehyung!?W-What are you doing here?"he stuttered as he sniffled."I can ask you the same thing...wait are you crying?"Taehyung asked as his ears perked up when he heard the vampire princes sniffles."N-No!Why would i be crying!N-Now if you'll excuse me i must be on my way."He weakly spoke as he tried to get Midnight to walk around Taehyung.Taehyung stopped him"Hey dont lie to me know your highness!"He spoke as he stood in front of the vampires horse.Taehyung noticed that the snow was begining to pick up a bit"Come one lets go find shelter before this snow gets any worse."He softly spoke.Jungkook let out a small sigh and nodded"I-I have a cabin not to far from here...we can stay there till this snow calms down.."He soflty spoke.Taehyung nods"Alright lead the way your highness."He spoke.Jungkook made Midnight walk to the cabin,once they arrived Jungkook dismounted Midnight and took his bag off the sadle.He walked up to the cabin and unlocked the door,he walked inside and Taehyung followed behind him.Taehyung shut the door and locked it behind him and glanced around as Jungkook started the fire in the fireplace,Jungkook quietly walked to his room and set his bag on the bed meanwhile Taehyung was sitting on the couch"You got a nice cabin here your why were you crying?"he softly asked.Jungkook walked out of his room and sat down,he sniffled softly"Why are you suddenly so nice to me hm?"."What am i not aloud to be nice?!"Taehyung asked as he crossed his arms.Jungkook shaked his head"Thats not what im trying to just curious thats all...but i guess i will tell you why im crying..."he spoke.He took a deep breath and told Taehyung everything that happened,once he finished talking he wiped some tears that dripped down his cheeks and hiccuped softly.Taehyung was quite surprised when Jungkook told him what happened" sorry that he did that to really didnt deserve that..."He softly spoke as his ears flattened a little.He truly did feel bad for the vampire and if he were in his shoes he would probably react the same way if his father arranged a marriage behind his back."He calm down your highness...take deep breaths and relax."He softly spoke.Jungkook did just that,his breathing was becoming normal once again."Good,now you should get some rest.Im sure you must feel exhausted after all that crying."Taehyung softlt spoke.Jungkook nodded"Yeah...thanks Taehyung."He softly spoke.He got up and grabbed a pillow and a few blankets for Taehyung"Here you go.You can use these while you sleep on the couch.Now..goodnight Taehyung."He softly spoke before he walked to his bedroom.Taehyung grabbed the pillow and blankets from Jungkook and nodded"Alright thanks.Goodnight Jungkook."He softly spoke.He got up and set the pillow on the couch and laid down before he covered himself with all the blankets.He sighed softly and got comfortable and drifted off to sleep.Jungkook laid on his bed and covered himself,he yawned and thought about his and Taehyungs interaction just now."Why was Taehyung so nice to me?Was he worried because i was crying?No why would he be worried about me."He thought to himself.He sighed softly as he nuzzle into his pillow,he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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