Chapter 5

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Morning came and Jungkook woke up to the sound of silence,he didnt hear much wind and that signalled the storm had ended.He got out of bed and stretched with a soft yawn,he walked out of his room and saw that Taehyung was still asleep.He ruffled his own hair and sleepily walked to the kitchen to make breakfast.Due to the sounds coming from the kitchen Taehyungs ears twitched and he began to slowly wake up.He sat up with a small groan and yawned,he rubbed his eyes and looked around.He saw that the fire was out so he got up and started it again so it could warm up the cabin.Jungkook heard Taehyung and peaked out of the kitchen to see him starting the fire,he hummed a little to himself and went back to cooking.Once he finished cooking he put the food he prepared on two seperate plates and set them on the small table,he also poured two glasses of water and set them on the table as well.Jungkook's head perked up when he saw Taehyung enter the kitchen"Good morning your highness...i prepared breakfast and i hope you enjoy it..."He softly spoke before sitting down.Taehyung looked at Jungkook"Ah good morning...thank you."He softly spoke and sat down.
The two began quietly eating and avoided eye contact with one another through out the whole meal,as soon as the two finished Jungkook washed the dishes and Taehyung remained seated at the table in silence.He twiddled his thumbs and cleared his throat"The food you prepared was good."He softly spoke." glad you enjoyed it."He spoke as he dried his hands."Your welcome...well i better head back thank you for letting me stay the night in your cabin."He softly spoke as he got up.Jungkook turned and faced Taehyung"Your welcome...oh before you leave promise me that you wont tell anyone about this cabin...i cant have anyone else know about it."He softly spoke.Taehyung rose a brow but nodded"Oh yeah i promise i wont tell anyone."He softly spoke.He walked into the living room and grabbed his things,he opened the door and walked out.He quickly headed back home hoping his father wasnt awake yet.Jungkook shut the door of the cabin and sighed,he locked the door and went into his bedroom.He grabbed an outfit and quickly changed,he put on his bag and went into the living room.He folded the blankets Taehyung had used and left them on the couch,he put out the fire and went outside.He locked the door and headed to where Midnight was,he put the sadle on him and attached his bag to it.He mounted his horse and went down the path leading away from his cabin and went farther away from his kingdom,he was glad that it was begining to snow a bit and that meant his tracks would be covered by the snow and no one could follow him.He remained silent as he left the vampire nation and headed to the demon realm,there were many demon nation and each nation were led by one of the seven sins.The nation Jungkook was going to was the nation if lust since he had some family tha lived there,he hasnt been to the nation in quite a long time so he will be safe there.Once he arrived he immediatly saw many incubi and sucubi roaming around in their revealing clothing which wasnt too surprising to see,he took a deep breath and headed to the castle.Once he arrived his dismounted his horse and grabbed his bag,he walked to the door of the castle and knocked on it.A few moments after he knocked a butler opened the door and looked at Jungkook in surprise"Why hello prince Jungkook what brings you here?"He softly asked."I came here to speak with my aunt,can you please bring me too her"He softly spoke.The butler nodded"Of course!Please follow me."He spoke as he let Jungkook inside.He shut the door and lead Jungkook to the throne room"Your majesty your nephew has come to speak with you."he spoke as he bowed to her.She looked at her butler and nodded"You may leave now."she soflty spoke.The butler nodded and left the room leaving the two alone.Jungkooks aunt stood up from her throne and walked up to him"Jungkook its so good to see you...but what are you doing here all alone...wheres your father?Does he know your here?"She softly asked.Jungkook hugged his aunt tightly"Its good to see you too father doesnt know im here...a-a lot happened l-last night and i-i didnt know w-where else to go...i-im so s-sorry"He spoke on the brink of tears.His aunt pulled away and gently cupped Jungkooks cheeks"Shh its okay. sweetie...tell me what happened..."she spoke in a gentle voice.Jungkook sniffled and nodded and told his aunt everything that happened between him and his father the night before.His aunt was in shock,she never thought her nephews father would do something like this and she was obviously angry as well but she didnt let it show"Im so sorry that happened to you Jungkook...i wish i was there to help you...but i can help you now by letting you stay here for as long as you need.I will make sure your father doesnt know your here."She spoke as she hugged Jungkook.Jungkook hugged her back and nodded"T-Thank you..."he spoke with a soft sniffle.His aunt gently rubbed his back"Your welcome.Now let me take you to your room so you can get some rest,im sure your exhausted after your long journey."She spoke as she pulled away from the hug.She gently held his hand and lead him to his room,once they arrived Jungkook walked into the room and his aunt stood in the door way"Now if you need anything dont be shy to ask any of my servants,your also free to roam around whenever you please.Now get some rest."she softly spoke before shutting the door and leaving.Jungkook nodded and watched his aunt shut the door,he changed into his pajamas and laid down on th bed.He covered himself and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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