Chapter 2

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It was now the morning after the ball,Taehyung was awoken by his butler.His butler had brought him some breakfast and some tea to drink,as the prince ate the butler picked out some clothes for the prince to wear for the day and told him what he had to do for the day as well.Once Taehyung was done eating the butler helped him get dressed then took his dirty dishes and left the room.Taehyung sighed softly and looked outside and saw that it was cloudy,he hummed as he wondered if it was going to snow at all today.He fixed his hair and left his room,he headed downstairs and left his home.He then headed to the stables where his horse was waiting for him,he greeted his horse and gently pet its face.He then put the sadle on his horse and mounted it,he left the stable and headed to the woods where he was going to hunt deer for his clan.
Jungkook on the other hand was still asleep,the maids decided to let him sleep in for a bit today.Soon one of the maids woke him up and brought him his breakfast.The prince yawned tiredly as he ate his breakfast,once he finished the maid took his dirty dishes and left the room.Jungkook remained in his bed and stretched,he ran his fingers through his hair and sat on his bed in silence.Today he had training,as much as he wanted to sleep he didnt want to miss training.He loved training afterall.He got out of ved and quickly changed,he rushed out of his chamber and headed out to the training grounds where he met with his teacher.The two then began sparring with one another,normally the two would train for a few hours but today they only trained for an hour or so.As soon as the prince and his teacher ended their training he rushed out to the woods,he ran down a path that led deep into the woods.This path led to a cemetery and in this cemetery his mother was burried,a large statue of his mother stood at her grave and flowers that were always im bloom year around surrounded her burial site.Many wonder how those flowers got there and why they never seem to wilt.But they couldnt help but enjoy the sight of them.Jungkook hummed as he walked up to her grave and kneeled in front of it,the prince would vist his mothers grave whenever he had the chance and he would talk to her,he new she couldnt say anything back to him but to the prince it was just a nice feeling to be around her.
Taehyung dismounted his horse and shifted into his wolf form,he kept himself hidden and he wandered around and looked for deer.He remained in the woods for quite a while and hunted many deer,he shifted into his normal form and set all the deer he had hunted onto his horse and headed back to his home.He brought all the deer to his clans butcher then brought his horse back to the stable,he removed the sadle and made sure his horse had plenty of water and food.He then headed home and went to his room so he could take a bath and clean the blood off his body.He had his body and hair washed by his maids,they helped him dry off and change into his clothes.The prince had plenty of time before it was time for dinner so he decided to read for a bit so he could pass the time.Taehyung grabbed a book off his shelf and sat on his bed,he then got comfortable and began reading
Jungkook stood up and said his goodbyes to his mother before leaving her grave.He began walking down the path that led back to his kingdom quietly,he suddenly stopped in his tracks when he realized it was begining to snow.He looked up at the sky and smiled as he felt the cold snow land on his face,he stuck out his tongue and caught some snow on it.He chuckled at himself for doing something so childish but he couldnt help but feel excited as he enjoyed the snow.He quickly headed back to his kingdom,he decided to spend some time with his friends.He walked over to his hyungs home and knocked on the door.His hyung Seokjin opened the door and smiled when he saw Jungkook"Come in Jungkook-ah."He softly spoke as he moved to the side to let Jungkook walk inside.Jungkook walked inside and sat on the couch.Seokjin shut and locked the door behind him before he entered the kitchen to prepare some tea,once it was done he brought it to the living room and set it on the table.He then sat down and called his husband down so he could join the two.The two heard the males hurried footsteps as he rushed downstairs,he smiled at the two"Hello Jungkook~"Kim Namjoon softly spoke.Jungkook smiled"Hi hyung!"He softly spoke.Namjoon went over to the couch and sat next to his husband.Seokjin hummed as he gave the two their cups of tea before the three began to talk with one another.Jungkook had always had a close bond with Seokjin afterall he was his fathers helper and he practically raised him while his father was busy with taking care of the kingdom,he always thought of his hyung as his older brother even though they werent blood related.He couldnt help but feel protective of his hyung when Namjoon entered their kingdom and became the kingdoms healer,but after some time he grew to like him and formed a close bond with him as well.He was also very happy for the two when they got married and he will always support there marriage and will tell off anyone who speaks against them.The three seemed to talk for hours and they of course enjoyed each others company for the time being but now it was late and Jungkook had to head home.Jungkook hugged his hyungs and said goodbye to them,he then quickly left their home and rushed off to his own home.Once inside he brushed the snow off his clothes and hair before entering the dining room,he greeted his father and sat down at the table.The butlers then all began bringing out all the food they prepared and set it all on the table,one of the butlers poured the two glasses of wine and set them on the table in front of them.All the butlers left the room so the two could eat.Jungkook and his father mostly ate in silence,the two never really talked much while they ate anyways.As aoon as the two finished their dinner they both parted ways and headed to their chambers.Jungkook sighed softly as he prepared his bath,he took off his cloyhes and got into the bathtub.He hummed to himself as he relaxed in the warm water,he began yo wash hid hair and body.Once he was done he got out and drained the water before he dried himself off,he walked into his bedroom and put on his pajamas.He laid on his bed after setting his towel to the side so it could dry,he looked at the cieling for a few moments before covering himself.He laid on his side and faced towards his balcony,he watched as it snowed outside and began to soon drift off to sleep.
Taehyung soon took a break from reading his book and bookmarked the page he left off on.He closed the book and set it to the side,he then got up and stretched then looked outside and saw that it was snowing.He left his room them headed dowmstairs to eat,he sat at the table and greeted his father.He hummed to himself as he looked at all the food that was prepared,he then began eating and remained quiet.His father soon spoke"Son have you found a potential mate yet?"He softly asked before taking a sip of his wine.Taehyung silently sighed"No father...not yet."He softly spoke.His father set his glass down"I will have to find a mate sooner or later my son.Winter will end soon and mating season will begin."He softly spoke."Yes father i know."He softly spoke.Taehyungs father ate a bit more of his food then wiped his mouth with. napkin,he stood up"I have some work i must finish my son.Enjoy the rest of your dinner without me."He softly spoke before leaving the dining room.Taehyung grit his teeth"Jeez all my father talks about is me finding a mate."He thought to himself.He sighed as he finished his food and wine,he left the dining room and headed to his chamber.He shut his door behind him and laid down on his bed with a groan,he ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.He covered himself and closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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