Background info

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Here's some background information on Jungkooks aunt.

Name-Yon Soo-Hae

She is a kind and gentle woman but once you get her mad she can be teriffying.She is Jungkooks mothers sister but they are not blood related.Many years ago Soo-Hae's parents were close friends with Jungkooks mothers family and they had a strong alliance with one another.They absolutely adored his mother when she was a baby and they would like to bring her gifts.One day a Jungkook's mothers kingdom was attacked and she was the last remaing survivor,Soo-Hae's parents decided to take his mother in and raise her as their own.She had no idea that Soo-Hae's parents were her true parents when she was growing up but once she was old enough they told her the truth about her real family.His mother was truly greatful that they told her the truth but in her eyes they were still her parents and she loved them dearly even though they were not blood related.When she was growing up she was always close to Soo-Hae's side and she didnt seem to mind it.The two were very close and inseparable they were also very protective with one another.They truly cared about eachother and would help eachother without hesitation no matter the situation.When the two parted ways when they got older the two would stay in contact with one another and would always find time to meet with one another to just talk and enjoy eachothers company.When Soo-Hae found out her sister had died she was heartbroken,she kept herself locked in her room and refused to eat.Her husband,servants,and subjects were all worried about her.Eventually with some convincing by her husband she began to eat and once she got over her grief she roamed around her kingdom and became her old self again.She see's a lot of her sister in Jungkook and therefore that makes her want to love and protect him even more than she already does.

Anyways that all the info on Jungkook aunt.I hope you enjoyed reading this and i hope you all continue to enjoy reading this story! (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)

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