Chapter 1 - Hyung

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The sound of paper rubbing against each other seemed loud in the defending since of Soobin's room, he exhaled a loud breath as his eyes scanned over the inked words on the novel he was reading.

Precisely a horror novel.

Involved in reading that book, Soobin gulped as the character of the book— Ella was walking through the dark hallways of her newly shifted house after she heard some glass shattering sound from the kitchen.

"Don't go there Ella… please don't." Soobin whispered, particularly said to no one but the character of the book, his mind was buzzing with the unpleasant possibilities that could take place with Ella if she reached the kitchen and the ghost soul would entrap her.

It was a shitty idea to read a horror novel in the middle of the night but he couldn't just place the book down due to the curiosity that bubbled inside him to know what would happen to Ella, that poor girl was only fifteen years of age.

"God damn fucking shit, I'm not doing this anymore!" Soobin cried out as he read the line where Ella could hear some whispers calling out for her and the girl blindly following those calls.

Soobin took a minute to regain his breathing as he already thought about the consequences that would happen now, his hand placed on his fastened beating of heart as he took deep breaths mentally readying himself for whatever that he is going to read.

Reading has its own charm because the reader doesn't see things, the reader imagines it and there is no bound to a reader's imagination and a writer's creativity.

Soobin's imagination itself scared him as he finally got enough courage to peek down at the words on the novel he was holding in his slightly trembling fingers with the adrenaline that rushed in his veins.

Pushing his glasses up, he exhaled loudly reading how Ella's footsteps patted against the cold wooden floor with some slight creaking sounds her every step made, she could now hear the whispers clearly coming from one of the doors that her family hasn't even unlocked yet even after a month of them staying in this house.

Her name was being called out louder from the inside of the closed door and goosebumps raised on Soobin's skin when he read the line where it said a dark figure was looming behind Ella.

"Run Ella for the love of God run you fucking bitch!" Soobin almost yelled, biting down on his bottom lip. He again had to keep the book away from his gaze, already pitying the fifteen year old who was probably going to witness the horrors of life at such a young age.

Before he could take a look at the book, he froze as he heard his own name being called out from outside of his room with cries following, he gulped as he placed hand on his chest trying to calm his fastened heartbeat.

He almost thought that the soul from the book had come out into reality and no shit Sherlock it scared the living shit out of him.


Wait no, he recognised this voice and it's not of a soul or anything like that.

His eyebrows immediately shot up as he made a run towards the unlocking, his heart immediately sinking as he saw his dorm mate sobbing with his face covered in his palms and his peachy hair falling over his eyes.

"Hyung?" Soobin softly called out as he embraced the slightly smaller male in his comforting the male while stroking on his back.

"Binnie, he cheated on me… Ji-sul cheated on me, Binnie."

"Oh, hyung…" Soobin sighed as he tightened his hold around his dorm mate and bestfriend, Yeonjun.

If there was something Soobin hated seeing was his hyung cry, they were apart from only one year and on top of that Yeonjun was the older one yet Soobin couldn't help but feel protective over the older male.

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