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"calm down, danny, im sorry, it won't happen again. i promise." she said begging for his forgiveness. He just turned around and walked away, he was angry and couldn't even look into her eyes. "please, can we please about it." she said while grabbing his wrist to turn him around. as he turned around she just looked onto the floor. he could see that her eyes were filled with tears. But he didn't care. he was filled with anger and he couldn't handle it anymore. 


was the only sound that could be heard throughout the room. as she fell onto the cold floor, he yelled at her. but she couldn't hear what he was saying as she was about to pass out.

six hours earlier

As all the people started to clap she snapped out of her own world and realised where she was. It was the annual academy awards, better known as the oscars. this night should be one of the most important nights in her life. she was nominated for three oscars, she just knew she was gonna win at least one. I mean come on, she is jessica fucking lange, this woman even deserves an oscar just for exsisting. but not everyone thought like that, for example her lovely husband danny huston, he hates seeing her being all successful, but tonight she didn't care, it was her night and nobody was going to take that away from her.

"babe, im next, wish me luck." jessica turned her head right as she heared his deep voice. "go to hell" she said with a sarcastic smile. "someones being a bitch today." danny said rolling his eyes. sometimes, okay, like every day, she just wants to beat the crap out of him, but she just smiled it away, because this was different, they couldn't fight here, where everyone was watching. 

while the nominees, were enumerated, she just hoped he wouldn't win. he is a good actor, but she just hates his guts, sometimes she wonders why she's even married to him anymore. jessica always tells herself that she hates him, and that she'll leave him, but she can't do it. deep down she still loves him and she still cares for him, he just changed, and she doesn't want to give up the last 9 years of marriage. 

"and the oscar for best supporting actor, goes to..danny huston." 

these were the words that snapped jessica out of her thoughts.

shocked she turned to danny and saw him grinning at her.

that little piece of shit. jessica thought to herself.

everyone clapped and stared at them. it was like the whole world was watching them, every look, every movement. she swallowed hard, and put on the best fake smile she could do. she gave him a quick peck on the cheek and clapped. Danny stood up and made his way to the stage.

"This award really means a lot to me, I worked so hard to get to this point. I would like to thank a few people that have helped me get to this moment starting with-"

She zoned out as she listens to her husband begin his speech, he did absolutely not deserve this award, he just got the role because of her, because she knew one of the writers, without her, he would be nothing. she gave a smile here and there, pretending to be happy and proud. she could see all the glances from the other wives of the nominees, they were all jealous, jealous because she had the life that every one of them wanted, sure they were all rich but she was richer, and they lived all great but she lived excellent, jealous because she had a successful career, and they had to  depend on their man for everything.

Basically, she has the perfect life in their eyes and they want it and will do everything to have it. but they are so wrong, her life is far from perfect. Danny and her give the perfect performance, they should win every damn oscar there is to win.

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