people change

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this is a short, chapter bc it's late n i didn't know what to write, anyways, please read and review, bc it makes me happy and i wanna know if you guys even like what i write & if I should continue with writing this or nah, let me know.

"you two have to excuse us, we'll be back in a few minutes, we just want to get some fresh air." Jessica sighed with relief as she heard those words, and saw the couple leaving. "I can't wait to get out of here, and away from those two idiots." Danny said rolling his eyes. "I thought they were your friends?" Jessica said annoyed. "friends? not really, we're just business partners."

jessica took a huge sip of her wine as she saw the couple entering the room again.

"we're ready for the dessert." Veronica said while sitting back down at their table.

"great. then someone should call the waiter" Danny said smiling softly.

this is gonna be a long ass evening. jessica thought to herself.

"mhm, this is delicious. wow, this is the best creme brulee, on this planet." Jake said smiling widely at Danny and Jessica. Jessica just nodded.

"you wanna try my dessert?" Danny said smiling at Jessica.

I'd rather die than eat your gross shit. "sure" she said smiling slightly.

" you know, Jake and I want to renew our wedding vows, and we would love to have you there, we're gonna celebrate this, this is gonna be huge, bigger than our actual wedding, and we're going to celebrate in LA, and i know that you two are having an apartment there, so what are you saying?"

Jessica nearly choked on her wine when Veronica asked that, causing Danny to give her a shy smile but he reached under the table and squeezed her knee hard. If it's one thing, he doesn't like to be embarrassed.

"we will definitely be there." Danny said smiling

"that's great, we knew you two weren't gonna say no." Jake said happily.

"you could've at least asked me first, before you make decisions." Jessica yelled while slamming the car door shut.

"We're gonna go there, end of the discussion."

"We didn't even-"

"shh, just keep your mouth shut, please, just one fucking time, im not in the mood to hear your stupid crap." Danny said, driving off.

"you look gorgeous." Veronica said smiling brightly.

"thank look..nice..too." Jessica said smiling awkward at her.

"yeah, well, you can take a seat right there, you two are the last guests, like always." Veronica says, pounting at one of the round tables that filled the big hall.

Danny took Jessicas hand and lead her to the table. "I thought this was just some small wedding vows renewal, but here are like over twohundred people." Jessica said stunned. "yeah, and one of those two hundred people, is staring at you the whole time, since we arrived. Danny said while pulling back the chair for jessica.

"who? sorry, i don't have my glasses on"

"you know who I mean, the young guy with the brown hair, he's standing next to some old guy."

"oh... he's not really staring at me." Jessica said blushing.

"so how long have you two been fucking?" Danny said with malice in his voice

She rolled her eyes. "just because someone stares at me doesn't mean i'm fucking with them or trying to have an affair, this is childish, seriously, if anyone should be questioned, it should be you, i saw tiffany or whatever the hell her name was giving you her phone number the other day."

Danny smirked "don't worry about what I do."

"And don't worry about what I do." Jessica said shrugging.

"right now is not the time or the place to smack the hell out of you, but don't think for one second that I won't drag your little ass in the back somewhere and do it."

"why? because hitting me makes you feel more of a man for what you lack in the bedroom?" She said knowing damn well, she was lying. No matter how much she hated that bastard, she couldn't deny his god given talents in the sheets.

Danny grabbed her arm. "Listen here you little...nevermind" He said as his face quickly changed back into a smirk. "Because I know you're lying, even you can't deny my talents." He said as he gave her a kiss on the lips beacuse people where walking past them. "Actually, if my mind serves me right, you were screaming out my name this morning."

"ugh." she said rolling her eyes.

"No." he said shaking his head. "I think it went a little something like 'ooh, ahh, right there baby', please don't stop.' " Danny teased as he smiled at Jessica.

She rolled her eyes again, and ordered a glass whisky. another long ass night. she thought to herself.

Jessica blushed slighty as the guy who stared at her came over. "hello, beautiful lady."

"hello, mister." she said smiling softly, but looking out if danny is near them.

"I don't know if you noticed but-"

" that you've been staring at me the whole time, no, i did not notice." she said sarcastic

"well, you got me." He said, raising both hands. "so, why are you standing all alone here, I saw you arriving with a man."

"well, that, man that you're talking about, is my husband, and I have no idea where he is right now." she said looking curiously around.

"I'm James by the way." He said smiling charming

"well, hello James, I'm jess-"

"there you are...oh, did i interrupt something." Danny said while taking her hand.

" not." the younger man said nervously.

"well, then, i think it's time to go, goodnight..what was your name?"


"whatever." Danny said while pulling her agressively towards the bathrooms.

"what the hell do you think you're doing? I knew it, I fucking knew it. I knew that you were screwing this son of a bitch." Danny said, pressing her against a wall. "We just talked, I didn't do anything, believe me, please, don't hurt me." He looked two seconds in her eyes and then let go of her.

"I'm sorry, I really am." He said, running his fingers through his hair. "I don't want you to be scared of me. I love you, you know that." He said while walking towards the mirror.

"actually..I don't, you haven't said it in a long time." she said walking to him to turn him around.

He saw tears falling down her cheeks, so he wiped them away. "But you believe me when I say it, right?"

"I..I don't know..I don't know anymore, I don't even know if I can trust you anymore." She said putting her right hand over his. He looked down at her and put her curly blond hair behind her ears. "how can I trust you when everytime it seems like everythings fine, even if it's just for a moment, the next second, you ruin everything, you remember that night, it wasn't that long ago maybe two three weeks, when you left me alone lying on the bathroom floor, you just le-"

"shhh, i know, and i'm sorry, let's just not talk about this here and right now okay?" Danny said smiling down at her.

She just nodded and wanted to walk outside back where all the people were, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him. "you still look like you just cried." He said and gave her a kiss. a real kiss. not one of those where they just kissed because other people were watching, no, it was different, nobody was here, and it just felt right, that was the first real kiss that they shared since a long long time.

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