that didn't last long

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so, first of all, i wanna thank y'all for actually reading my fanfic, it really means a lot &&& thanks a lot @ the people who reviewed, yay. so here's the next chapter, as always, please review and click the little star button (?? idk how to call it). oh & smut's coming soon, not in this chapter but perhaps in the next, be prepared !!

"-and do you still re-"  

"shh, jess, you're drunk and you know everytime we come to LA, our neighbours are complaining because, we're never quiet, and that's because you're always drunk and can't keep your mouth shut." Danny said placing his finger over her mouth. 

"that's why-" Jessica said pushing his finger aside. "that's why...wait...I forgot what I wanted to say" Jessica chuckled. "you know that you're nuts." Danny said while opening the front door of their apartment block.

"I love you too."

"just lean against me, I just wanna make it upstairs and I don't think you're able to walk anymore." Danny said looking at her.

"I'm not that drunk."

"Jesus woman."

As they made their way up the steps, Danny nearly tripped and fell. This of course sent Jessica into a fit of giggles and her laughter echoed down the empty stairwell.

"Shhh, Jess. You'll waken everyone up." Danny hissed at her.

 "Hey everybody, it's time to rise and shine." Jessica called out before bursting into a fit of giggles.

Danny saw the light appear in Mrs Bradshaws doorway, he grimaced as he heared the key turn into the lock and had only just made it past the door when he heared it open.

"I might have known it was you two."

 Danny turned round as he tried to balance Jessica. He slapped down her hand which she'd raised to wave in the womans direction.

"I'm sorry, Mrs Bradshaw. It won't happen again." Danny said looking at Jessica. 

"It's always the same with you, anymore and I'll report you to the landlord." the older neighbour said furious, while opening the door a little more.

"okay, okay, we'll be quiet" Jessica said sassy.

"excuse me-" 

"okay, point taken, mrs Bradshaw, goodnight now." Danny said interrupting the neighbour and grabbing Jessicas arm to turn quickly around dragging her with him. "but- my shoe- can I at least put my shoe on and-" Danny put his hand over her mouth to keep her quiet.

When they got to their apartment door, he took away his hand and Jessica flopped against him and laughed loud. "Did you here that Bitch? report us, my ass." 

"She is one of the reasons why I always say that we should buy a house here, in LA, but misses Lange doesn't want to." He said sticking his tongue out at her. "houses are overrated" Jessica said,  playing with his tie.

Danny chuckled to himself as he tried to get his key but he couldn't reach his pocket. It was underneath the arm that held up Jessica as he tried to keep her from falling to the floor.

"Babe, reach into my pocket and get the key, will you?" 

A few seconds later Jessica placed her hand inside the pocket of his pants and grinned as she playfully rummaged around. Danny closed his eyes as he felt his instant reaction to her touch. Damn she was teasing him and judging by her laughter, she knew excatly what she was doing.

"Hmmm, I do believe you're enyoing getting frisked, Mr Huston.

Her hand deliberately rubbed against him once more and Danny placed his hand on her wrist and stopped her. His breathing was deep and laboured as he looked deep into Jessica's big brown eyes. Placing her back against the wall he heared her sharp intake of breath. His eyes flashed back with his desire. As Danny lifted up his hand  to gently brush away her hair, Jessica licked her lips in anticipation. His face moved slowly towards her. 

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