hate and love

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Jessica was too afraid to turn around after hearing his words, she didn't know how he was feeling, was he angry? or sad? or maybe he didn't even care that she was going out with some guy. Okay it wasn't just some guy, he was the reason for their huge fight.

"are you gonna turn around and talk to me or are you just gonna stand there and act like I'm not even here, I mean don't get me wrong, I love staring at that ass of yours, but still."

"what do you want?" Jessica said finally turning around.

"what I want? I just wanted to say hello, or did I interrupt anything?" Danny said walking closer to her.

"what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see my wife, I guess that's what a good husband does" He said wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close to him.

Just the simple touch of Dannys arms gave her shivers.

"but you're not a good husband." She said looking into his eyes.

"i know, I'm a great husband." He said winking at her.

Jessica didn't know what to say, so she just rolled her eyes.

"so, you wanna go back to your new boy toy?" Danny said before giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"He's not my boy toy he's just a friend." she said shrugging.

"yeah, sure, a friend." He said putting his hands back into his pockets.

"It's none of your business anyways."

"I've missed you, baby," He said shyly.

"that's your problem." She said giving him a cold look.

"I know that you've missed me too, if you want it or not, but I know you did."

and he was right, she did miss him. a lot, actually. She didn't want to miss him, he's the biggest asshole on planet earth, but she loved him, and she missed him.

"you know nothing." She said while walking past him and outside, back in the bar.

"come on, babe, don't be angry" Danny said after leaving the restrooms.

He grabbed her arm and turned her around.

"don't fucking touch me." Jessica said, pulling her arm back.

"you know that you're even hotter when you're angry."

"fuck you" She said smiling sarcastically

"is everything okay, did he touch you?" James said after walking over to them because he noticed that Jessica was back and talking to a man.

"everythings fine." Danny said rolling his eyes at the younger man.

"did I ask you?"

"James, it's okay," she said looking between the two men. "he's my... husband, I'm sorry I didn't tell you"

"actually I knew that you're married, you told me at the wedding renewal, remember?-" James said looking at Jessica "I think I'm gonna leave you two alone, it was nice, goodnight." He walked over to their table, grabbed his jacket and left.

"you ruined everything, thanks a lot."

"I'm not stupid, I saw that you were bored the whole time he was talking."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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