"I'm fine"

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this is a short chapter, sry, sry, i had to hurry, but the next one will be longer, I promise, and smut will be coming soon !! so read n review, if you like it, thankssss.

"yeah, I'm fine, I really am."

"you don't sound like you're 'fine'" Carrie said concerned.

"don't worry about me, I'm okay." Jessica said speaking on the phone to her best friend.

"I gotta go, I'm super busy lately, I'll talk to you later." Jessica said wiping her tears away.

"okay, bye, love you."

Jessica hung up, if she'd said one more thing she would have burst into tears.

It was one of these days where it was just all too much for her. The whole thing with Danny. She couldn't handle this anymore, she felt like she's losing it. She was broken.

she took a deep breath and walked over to the huge mirror, that was standing in the master bedroom. She was wearing her grey silk robe, because it was still morning. Her hair was tied in a bun. She didn't wear any make up, so she could she all the bruises. Everytime she looked in the mirror she didn't recognize the person she was looking at, it wasn't her. she used to be happy, and healthy and strong. She shook her head slightly and made her way to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and changed into some dark skinny jeans and a black sweatshirt. Her gold hair hung loosely down. She put on some decent make up, a black coat, grabbed her clutch and some sunglasses. As she made her way outside onto the streets of Manhattan her phone began to ring. She didn't look at the screen she just answered it.


"hi...-ehm..I mean good morning." A deep voice said.

"who's there?" Jessica said while crossing the street.

"oh, fuck, ehm.. it's james.. you know..the guy.. whos is constantly texting you."

"oh, right, so you thought, she's not texting back, so why not call her." Jessica said mocking.

"yeah, I..I just, I thought of you, and I wanted to hear your voice."

Jessica just smiled slightly.

"and..I wanted to ask you out on a date." The man said.

Her eyes wide as she heard him saying that. He barely knew her and still asked her out, and she was sure, that he knew that she's married. But her marriage was the last thing on her mind. She hasn't seen Danny in a while actually she hasn't seen him for three weeks, since their huge fight, he left to stay in LA or Atlanta, she didn't know, since that, he never called once.

"so, mrs lange...what are you saying?"

Jessica snapped out of her thoughts.

"well, you know..why not."

"great, so if it's okay, I'll pick you up at seven?"

"wow, you mean tonight, you don't even know where I live, I mean..I'm in New york right now and I don't-"

"I'm just this weekend here in new york, before I get back to Boston, and I just thought it might be a good idea, but if you don't want to it's fine with me."

"no..no..it's fine, at seven, tonight. great, I'll text you the address, okay?"

Jessica what the fuck are you doing ??? you're married. don't forget that. she thought to herself after answering.

"great, I'll look forward to it."

"yeah, me too."


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