Thread 2.1 - [Finding Your Path]

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[BoxXxingBall3r posted at 05:14:16]

There's been a lot of discussion in other threads about this. I wanted to consolidate it all to make it easier to find for new folks. Especially for you Hematodrone parents out there, Paths are the most important and most dangerous part of being Blooded.

I tried hard to find some research on the subject, but as far as I can tell there's not a single university with a real Blooded lab.

As far as I know, Paths are drugs. Normal kind of stuff you see every day. Painkillers, uppers, downers, that kind of stuff. You trap it in your blood (make sure not to let it touch your organs) and slowly siphon the power off for yourself.

It sort of... lives there. Becomes a part of you. Like another side to your blood. Paths are okay to use in small amounts, but we can get hooked on them or overdose just like anyone else. They get stronger, more potent as you go.

The hardest part for me was learning to sleep. It's like being a little kid learning not to wet the bed. I remember waking up in the middle of the night junk-sick and heart pounding. Pain too. Parents gotta be careful if you want your kids practicing. If they break a bone or lose their focus it could be fatal.

[Pureblood_SHOPer posted at 05:14:18]

[COMMENT FLAGGED: RULES VIOLATION] THATS why Heme blood is so fucking tasty. Like big sacks of gold running around. You ever find a source, you should message me. I pay by the vial. Second rule: I take all comers :)

[Servant_of_God posted at 05:14:24]

Remember Corinthians 6:19-20 "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

As if you needed any more confirmation that this is a sin. Disgusting perverts turning their bodies into havens of filth and sin

[ranchmom posted at 05:14:45]

[COMMENT FLAGGED: RULES VIOLATION] I knew it! Godless hemes are all drug addicts. You want to be in our schools? Our parks?!? No Paths. You keep super drugs in your body we should take you to jail just like anyone else.

[BoxXxingBall3r posted at 05:15:02]

@Pureblood_SHOPer Good way to get yourself killed man. Lot of drugs out there. Not all of them are fun. You ever stop picking on kids you might learn something. You'd OD on a drop of my blood, I promise you.

@Servant_of_God Funny, that's exactly how I feel. I honor Him by following my Path. It is His Gift afterall. Perhaps you think you know better?
@ranchmom That's like telling us not to run or swim or jump. It's a part of who we are. Something we build up for decades. We don't choose our Paths. They choose us.

[Little_Urban_Annie posted at 05:16:16]

Hematodrone parent here. @BoxXxingBall3r do you have any advice for parents that want to help their children find their Paths? I don't want to give too much away (Rule 1) but I live out in the suburbs. Where am I supposed to find things for my child to experiment with? How can I help them find their path?

[BoxXxingBall3r posted at 05:16:17]


[Pureblood_SHOPer posted at 05:16:18]

[COMMENT FLAGGED: RULES VIOLATION] @Little_Urban_Annie Easy babe. The trick is to get em started young. Low and slow, but you want to pick something easy to find. Bits of dark chocolate, cold medicine, sips of your beer.

Just make sure it's something good.

[BoxXxingBall3r posted at 05:16:20]

@Pureblood_SHOPer We tolerate a lot, but don't push the limits. No advocating for Paths. They aren't professions.

[HFStus posted at 05:16:33]

@BoxXxingBall3r Fuck your idyllic little worldview man. You reek of money and privilege. When they banned us from the pro leagues they stole financial independence from a generation. Terrified once they realized that they'd have to pay us real money if they wanted to keep their human trading card games going.

They tried to force us to serve. No, they DID force us to serve. For the fucking pittance they sent whatever family you had to bury the box that came home. As far as I'm concerned, anything you did to avoid working for the government is a blessing. The blood's yours. Sell it if you want. Get your shit verified by an independent lab if you want a fair price though. PM me if you want details.

[BoxXxingBall3r posted at 05:18:20]

@Little_Urban_Annie Great questions. The first, most important, thing is not to rush. Even if your kid was in the very first Hematodrone trials they probably can't talk in full sentences yet. I didn't start cultivating my first Path until I was 19. Even that I think might have been too young.

You never know what Path is going to fit. For me, I got a prescription of painkillers one day and... well it was something about the way it hit my blood. It was like ice running through my veins. The chill was power, and before I knew it I was getting in fights, breaking bones for prescriptions.

I don't want to scare you, but you have to know what you're dealing with. I think your best option would be to try with something harmless. Even if it's not your kids' Path they can practice with other drugs. If they need ibuprofen or cough syrup or something they can try to feel it while it works through their body.

We can feel things with our blood. Not just curves and edges or physical things either. We can feel chemicals. Drugs, nutrients, stuff I frankly can't make heads or tails of. It's like sand and lint and feathers and springs constantly swirling through our bodies.

The trick, the thing you want to train your kid for, is telling the difference between them. What's safe, what's not? How do you bring a drug through your body without letting it affect you? What organs are safe to touch?

Just focus on that, maybe some light control exercises, and your kid should be fine. Honestly though, I'm no expert. Really wish we'd have someone else weigh in. @The_Spider_Queen anything you would feel comfortable sharing?

@HFStus You're not wrong. I was lucky in more ways than one, but I don't think there's a single first generation that hasn't sold themselves in one way or another. It hurts us though. Not just our fight for change, but it cuts away at something.

[HFStus posted at 05:19:09]

@BoxXxingBall3r Pay my fucking bills before you lecture me on how I make my money.

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