Thread 2.2 - [Finding Your Path]

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[Melpolia posted at 06:45:20]

@BoxXxingBall3r Information is highly classified. No way in hell are we giving subjects out to some university that's just going to turn around and publish for the whole world to see. Far as I know the only people allowed to study this stuff are with Project Achilles.

Took six months of paperwork just to make the link to Nylox-698 public. We only managed to convince them by bundling the Hematodrone trials into the same press push. I only wish we had done a better job, kept it going a bit longer. Even one more year would have made such a difference.

I'm sorry to say that I can't help much. Not by sharing what I know on a forum at least. I'm working for us in other ways.

I will tell you you're wrong about Paths. They don't choose you, and they're not unique. It's more like an affinity. Some will be easier than others.

[HFStus posted at ]

@Melpolia Ah the hubris of the military. We had a dozen Blooded at Biogox - and we didn't even have to hold a fucking gun to their head. Had to pay through the nose, fight for years over it in the courts, but we did it.

That's the worst part - how fucking wasteful yall were. Outside the meat grinder we call a military we changed the world. We developed new drugs with your fucking table scraps. Imagine what we could do if you hadn't launched a genocide.

Traitors, trolls, and our glorious mod. Maybe this forum really is hopeless.


@BoxXxingBall3r, @Melpolia did yall just casually drop following multiple Paths like it's NOTHING??? Fucking hell, I can barely handle one. Please, someone tell me I'm not that pathetic. These two are freaks, right??? (I mean in the nicest way possible xoxo)

I will say though, it's way easier to just store the stuff than follow the Path. I used to drink all my coffee in the morning, hold onto the caffeine and dole it out through the day. Could NEVER follow the stimulant path, but that was easy enough.

First case I know of is the guy that ate all that tuna fish. They wanted to call it hyperaccumulation, or some dumb shit like that. Unlucky dude though, I guess something about all that mercury felt great to him. Read through some of the old notes, he thought he was going to live forever, become a god, delusional shit like that.

Massive organ failure. His kidneys bled silver. Autopsy said his guts were so rotten they came apart like cotton candy.

Be careful everyone.

@HFStus help or get out of the way.

[The_Spider_Queen posted at]

@BoxXxingBall3r sorry for the slow response. I've been deep in the mountains. Tor over a sat connection is just too slow. I just got back down to Srinigar. It has been a hell of a month.

I've got some more information though, so maybe the trip was worth it. Paths aren't limited to drugs. Fuck, I don't know WHAT the limits are. I just saw some kashmiri warlord melt through body armor like it was fucking toilet paper.

I think @HFStus is right. I get why you don't want this place to turn into a market, but life is hard out there for us. Not like you saw any nylox dresses on the runway. Way I see it, it's only fair for us to take everything we can get. We can't do shit without cash and it's damn good training.

[HFStus posted at]

@The_Spider_Queen glad that there's someone on here who's got some sense. Maybe there's hope for this forum yet. Lucky for you the private sector doesn't force me to wear shackles. First rule, you've earned a bit of trust:

Paths are us. They're the amazing engine of chemistry that is the body, crafted into a tool. It's that feeling - anything our body responds to is a Path. Drugs are easy, but it doesn't even have to be something outside the body.

I would argue that the first Path any Blooded follows is blood itself. Proteins, macronutrients, oxygen, like life itself boiled down to its essence. The reason that we run and heal like we do. You can cultivate anything in your body and let me tell you there is some WILD shit already running through our veins.

Acid though... not sure. That's a weird one. Wouldn't recommend it. Can't imagine it's practical

[BoxXxingBall3r posted at]

I can't believe I'm saying it, but I guess I owe you an apology @Pureblood_SHOPer. Hell, you had better ideas than I did and you're not even Blooded.

@HFStus I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot. I mean you no harm man, seriously. You clearly know a hell of a lot more than I do. I want Blood Drops to be the kind of place you think is worth your time. Join me as a mod? I'll PM you details.

[Gilded_Lily posted at]

Gosh, you're all sooooo boring. Talking about these Paths like that's all there is to life. Paths are crude and boorish and quite frankly I think they muddy the beauty of blood. Call me back when you've got something more interesting to talk about.

[Cult_of_Nergal posted at]

[COMMENT FLAGGED: RULES VIOLATION] There is only one Path, and it is His.

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