Chapter 6 - The Wolf Queen

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Trigger Warning: Depictions of Substance Abuse, Murder, Sexual Assault

Yolanda Ramos - July 17th, 16 AN

The air was sweet and thick. The smells and sounds of the crowded street below hummed like static in the back of Yolanda's mind. Plush carpet cradled her as she sat cross legged, her back resting on the foot of her mahogany four poster bed.

She gazed out the lone porthole window onto a featureless sky that looked like a blue sheet pulled over the villa's courtyard. She prayed for a cloud or a plane, anything that would remind her that it was not.

She heard footsteps and murmurs in the hallway.

"-will... home... tonight." The sides of her face flushed. "He's bringing a friend for Yolanda. Don't forget to wash. Remember, tonight is a very special night." The lock to the room clicked open.

"Dinner in five hours." Ricky threw Lupita into the room. "I'll bring clothes in four. If you bother me before then..." He stared at the white lace decorating Yolanda's slight frame. "Be prepared to pay a price." He licked his lips and winked his one good eye.

"Limp dick Ricky wants to play?" Yolanda stuck her tongue out. "Need to get your balls back from Miguel first." Yolanda stuck out her bottom lip in an exaggerated pout.

Ricky's face went red and he stampeded into the room. He slapped Yolanda across the face and cocked back a closed fist.

Yolanda locked eyes with Ricky and broke into a childlike grin. She wagged her finger at him. "Uh-uh Ricky. No damaging the merchandise. Miguel wouldn't be very happy if you embarrassed him."

Ricky pulled his fist back further. His face contorted in rage. His knuckles cracked as he clenched his fist. Then he dropped it to his side. He walked back to the entrance, then turned back toward Yolanda.

"You should know. Miguel caters to a... very specific clientele. He always takes good care of his girls, but for customers?" He sneered. "No such requirement. Anything goes and, believe me, they take full advantage of the policy. Most of them last three... four years at the most. The ones that last longer... well they are truly cursed." He swung the door closed. "Happy birthday." The lock clicked.

Yolanda cackled at the door. She pressed her body against the heavy logs bound in iron, desperately trying to push her voice into the hallway beyond.

Lupita finally decided to stand up. She ambled toward Yolanda with tears welling in her eyes. She stroked Yolanda's back. The cackling turned into a chuckle. Lupita wrapped her arms around Yolanda, tugging her away from the door. The chuckle turned into a sigh, turned into choked breaths.

Lupita stepped backward - onto the bed, pulling Yolanda onto her lap. Drip, drip drip. Tears splashed against bare skin. Yolanda gripped at fabric that wasn't there. Her heart started beating - an old habit, churning her blood against the natural rhythm of her powers. She felt light-headed.

"D-did you s-see the look on his face?" Yolanda sniffled.

"I sure did." Lupita stroked Yolanda's hair.

Yolanda's heart settled. "Can we..." She wiped away her tears with the heel of her hand. "Can we do it again? One last time?"

Lupita grabbed Yolanda's shoulders, turning them to face her. Yolanda looked away, ashamed of her puffy, red eyes. "Today is not the end. Don't listen to Ricky. He's just trying to get inside you the only way he knows how." Lupita threw her arms around Yolanda, and pulled her close. "I'll find you. Wherever you are. I'll find you."

Yolanda nodded slowly, "I know." She returned the hug, nestling her face into the crook of Lupita's neck. "I know," Yolanda whispered. It was impossible, of course, but Yolanda was happy to trade hope for comfort. "Just for me then. So I don't forget what you feel like."

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