Author's Note

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So you've reached the end

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So you've reached the end. Thank you so much for reading, for sticking with this story despite its imperfections. You make this smol writer on Wattpad so happy.

I wrote the first draft of this story in 2015 during NaNoWriMo. It was the first and, since then, only time I ever won the challenge. This story of mine was written for the teenage girl I used to be. I still think about, quite fondly, the stories that captured my heart and imagination when I was that age. So, thank you for every star and every comment you've left on this story. 

While I don't only write for these things, it's always such a delight to see readers like you interacting with my work. Your support goes a long way believe me.

I probably don't need to say this but despite the subject matter of this story I am not a witch. I wrote this story purely for fun, and tried very hard to tie it back to my faith. I'm not sure I succeeded but that's okay. I appreciate every single one of you who took the time to read, whether you read the original draft in 2015 or this brand new version. Thank you a trillion times. Here's to many more stories in the future.

Wishing all of you the best! 

- T.A. Joseph

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