Chapter 3 : Party

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Lexa's POV:

I'm so scared right now, I mean I'm not scared I'm just really! Nervous. I'm not use to going to parties, especially not with people I don't even know.

We arrived to the party early so I helped Raven with the DJ lights while Clarke made sure the tables and chairs were all set up. After everything was set up, few minutes later people started arriving. Some people greeted me and tried making conversation but I ignored them since most of them were already drunk and annoyed me.

I tried looking Clarke to maybe talk and get to know her better, so far she seems like a total shit case, spontaneous, anger issues, overall she's...different from anyone I ever met. So I do hope me and her can build a good friendship like the ones sisters are suppose to have. I gave up on trying to talk to Clarke when I saw her hanging out with her group of friends.

Not even half an hour later was Clarke getting into a heated argument with some dude who pushed Raven accidentally.

The crowd gathers around the two already expecting a fight. The boy seems to be really intoxicated, but Clarke seems to be perfectly sober. I pushed through the crowd to get a better view and there is Clarke's blue eye's turning into pure rage. I tried to step into the circle but Raven pulled me back.

"Lexa, don't just let Clarke sort this out." Raven said, almost in a pleading voice for me not to do anything. I of course try to convince her to step in and separate them. "Let me go get Bellamy, stay here don't do anything." I nodded and watched as the boy argued with Clarke, who just stared at him completely emotionless.

Few minutes passed finally a tall black haired boy stepped in between Clarke and the boy. Clarke looked around her to notice the crowd that had gathered till her eye's landed on me. She quickly looked away from me and left with Raven to outside of the cabin, the tall black haired boy follow behind them - so I imagine he's Bellamy.
The crowd that had earlier formed was now gone, everyone had gone back to party like nothing.

I thought about checking up on Clarke to make sure she was okay but than I realized that probably would be weird for her to be asked by a stranger if she's okay. So instead walked over to the small kitchen and poured myself a cup of fruit punch. When I was about to walk back out to the main living room someone bumped into me, making my drink spill onto my clothes.

"Oh, so sorry about that! I wasn't looking-."

"It's okay, it's just fruit punch." I say trying to calm down the girl infront of me. She looked at me for the first time and smiled shyly, before she reached for paper towels and attempted to clean my shirt.
I chuckled, as I grabbed her hand. "I'm almost hundred percent sure paper towels can't take out fruit punch stains off a white shirt."

"Yeah, sorry I just- God! I'm such a mess." She said running a hand through her long blonde hair.

There was awkward silence between us so I decided to break it. "My name's Lexa" I offered my hand for her to shake and she did but very weakly that I could bearly feel her hand with mine.

"My name is Costia, I'm really sorry about ruining your white shirt." She smiled widely.

"It's alright, besides I can just buy a new one at Walmart or something." I turned around to pour myself another cup of fruit punch. I could feel her eye's on me, watching my every movement. I turned back around and caught her eye's checking me out. I chuckled. "Would you like a drink too?" She quickly took her eye's away from my body and nodded. I smiled and poured her a cup and handed it to her.

"Thank you." She said. I nodded. There was a small silence. "Are you new here?."

I nodded. "Yeah, I just moved here 2 days ago."

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