Chapter 4 : The Move

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Today was Saturday, the day after the party.
Clarke woke up from her sleep when Raven's parents came to pick their daughter around 9 a.m. Clarke half asleep walked Raven to the door and said goodbye to her. Clarke tried falling back to sleep but she couldn't now that she was alone in her room. She tried listening to music to fall back to sleep but gave up when she heard Lexa moving objects in her room. And since the rooms are right next to eachother, having only a wall separating the two and Clarke's bed being against that wall, letting Clarke be able to hear whenever Lexa got up or moved. It was around 9:50 a.m. when Clarke finally choose to get out of bed since she couldn't sleep, and instead she got dressed up in her team hoodie with some army colored sweatpants and her running shoes. She went out after grabbing a snack(protein bar)from the kitchen before heading out to jog around the neighborhood, she listened to to one of Raven's music Playlists, which mostly consisted of rock music with Latin.

Lexa has been awake since 6 a.m. when Gustus and Abby left for work. Since then she's been on her laptop searching ideas for this project that's been assigned by one of her teachers, where she has to pick a military branch and research it-about it's history. Lexa being Lexa wanted to make this project perfect, like she always thrives to do with everything, so she decided to get a head start on the project even though it's due in two weeks. Lexa was distracted by Clarke's cursing coming from downstairs, she walked out her room and peaked her head from upstairs, only to see Clarke struggling to put on her shoes as she left the house eating some protein bar with her other hand. Lexa laughed when she saw Clarke trip when she walked out the porch of the house. Lexa went back to researching her project for another hour and also making herself breakfast. It was way past 1 p.m. when she heard Clarke entering the house again, the only reason Lexa knew it was Clarke was because she could hear cursing coming from downstairs again.

Clarke out of breath from jogging for 2 hours walked to the kitchen refrigerator, grabbed a cold water bottle and dranked it down. She searched the refrigerator for food but found it empty, she closed the refrigerator. Just as she walked a few steps to the stairs she saw a plate of food on kitchen counter, some kind of pasta with vegetables. She soon realized it must be Lexa's so she resisted the urge of wanting to eat it and walked upstairs to her room carelessly letting her bedroom door half way open. She undressed from her sweaty clothes, leaving her only in her boxers and bra. She felt a burning feeling in her neck of someone looking so she turned to look at her door and noticed she mistakenly forgot to close the door, she peaked her head through the door to look around but Lexa's door was also closed so she pushed that weird feeling away.
She really had felt someone looking at her, but she pushed those thoughts away once she stepped into her small bathroom shower that's in her room. She let the cold water run down her body, and like always kept the water leveled on the colder temperature. Raven's always commented it being weird to shower with cold water but Clarke finds it refreshing, especially after long hours of practicing lacrosse or running.

Clarke finishing with her shower, headed downstairs, it was now 2 p.m. She entered the kitchen and was surprised to see the same plate of pasta on the counter. She was looking at the plate of food as she imagined how great it must taste like when she startled by Lexa's voice. She turned around, meeting her eyes with Lexa's as she watched her coming closer.

"If you want you can eat that plate of pasta." Lexa said as she entered the kitchen to grab a water bottle.

"What? No I was just- it be rude to eat you're food." Clarke responded politely. Still keeping her eyes on Lexa as she moved throughout the kitchen as ease like she known the place forever.

Lexa smiled softy noticing Clarke watching her curiously. "Want to know a little secret?" Lexa asked. Clarke nodded. "I made an extra plate of pasta for you, but don't tell anyone." She smiled, pushing the plate towards Clarke from across the counter. "You should eat, especially after that long run you had."

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