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"Very important, read the authors note at the end of this chapter, thank you." Says a random person on set.


"Aw, sad." Cade muttered, grabbing the sushi with his chopsticks, and putting it in his mouth. I had literally just told him how today went with Yvonne, and that was the only statement he made.

"That's all you're gonna say?" I asked him, picking up my own chopsticks.

He looked up at me as he chewed, shrugging. "What do you want me to say?" he asked after swallowing. "She's a business partner, and the woman who stole my brothers hard work to start up her own company, I share none of my sympathy with her, sorry."

"Her father made her do it."

"Doesn't mean she didn't have a choice. According to what you told me, he didn't exactly point a gun to her head, telling her to steal from my brother, he only advised her." He said. "I really don't know who her father is, neither do I want to know him? but good luck with them, it's not our problem, Mabel."

"I know," I said, "but she's my friend, Cade... and she's feeling so alone right now. Yes, she might have done bad things, but no one is above mistakes, and you once told me, we are meant to learn from our mistakes, Cade."

He sighed. "Yes, we all are... but we are also meant to pay for them. Which she's currently facing now... I'm happy you're there for her, but... be careful, okay? you said it yourself, she didn't always have good intentions."

"I can protect myself, Cade... do I look incapable of that?"

He smiled. "No, my love, you don't."

"How was the meeting with the boys?"

"Cool." Was his response.

"And Damien? How is he? Grandma said his ex-wife is refusing to let him see Hayley until the case has been concluded."

Worry clouded Cade's features. "Yeah, she is. The whole process is really draining Damien, I just don't know how he manages to push it all to the back of his mind, you know. If I were him, I'd be fighting off depression."

I went silent, knowing exactly how Damien stops himself from drowning inhimself... I had seen it before, and the last time we spoke at their grandmother's birthday party, my suspicions were confirmed... don't even get me started on the fact that Damien somehow had a connection to Laross. It was easy to put two and two together.

"What?" Cade asked with his mouth full.

"What?" I looked up, blinking away my thoughts.

"You were thinking about something... what is it?"

I shrugged. "It's just, Damien seems to be taking on a lot... sometimes, the best way to deal with somethings is to just, talk to someone."

"Damien never talks to anyone... I mean, when Amy was still in his life, he shared stuff with her, and they were each other's best friends. But after she left—he didn't even look the list bit affected, although we knew he was pretty much out of it most of the times, but he never let it affect the people around him."

I nodded. "He's only trying to protect you guys... my advice... talk to him, even when he doesn't want to be talked to... you might not see it but, Damien is pretty, lonely, it's probably why he always tries to bring the family together because you all are all he's got."

Cade nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right... I'll talk to Elroy about it." He smiled. "You're so thoughtful."

I grinned. "I've lived a pretty shitty life Cade, I'm not about to let people close to me, fall into a trap I was lucky enough to crawl out of with a few scratches."

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