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 My heart jammed against my chest, his expectant gaze on me. I gulped down, slowly getting to my feet, rubbing my sweaty palm against my jean, Melissa getting up behind me. I knew she was also scared of his reaction to all this.

Never in a million years did I ever think he'd find out this way, I thought I'd have prepared myself, probably tell him when he was in a good mood, but looking at him, he wasn't in a good mood.

Did something go wrong at the dinner? Or did his mood suddenly drop to a bad one after he overheard my conversation with Melissa?

"Is someone gonna answer me or?" He asked, his voice laced with confusion and anger.

I let out a shaky breath, taking a step closer to him, he watched me but didn't move.

When I was close enough, I placed my hand against his chest feeling his raging heartbeat on my palm... Oh, he was mad, very madBut he kept calm.

That's Cade, when he's too calm, just know that you've actually struck a nerve. I've never really known him to be the kind of person who yelled when angry, no... He would just remain calm, killing you softly with the intense look in his eyes.

I summoned the courage to speak. "Can we take this home? I don't want us to fight in front of Melissa, it'd stress her out."

He pinned me with his gaze before his eyes swept towards Melissa.

Without another word, he turned and walked away from me, out of the house.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I turned towards Melissa, plastering a smile on my face.

"I'm so worried." She said. "He's really angry."

"I know... I'll handle it."

She nodded. "Make him understand."

"I'll try." I said.

She pulled me into a warm hug. "Everything will be fine."

I nodded, knowing better that it wouldn't.


The ride home was quiet, a heavy tense silence hanging in the air, his hands gripping his steering wheel, knuckles going a pale white, he didn't drive fast, just the normal pace.

My heart was racing, scared out of my mind, knowing he'd never be able to forgive me for this, this wasn't acceptable in any way.

He loved children, and there's no way he wouldn't be disgusted by me with what I did, there's no way things could go back to the way they were.

I should have told him, I shouldn't have hidden this part of my past from him, since it concerned him. I should have just let it out the moment I told him about everything else. Maybe then, we wouldn't have gotten this far, maybe then I would have avoided the hurt I was about to put him through again.

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