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The sharp sounds of bullets hitting the target was a little bit muffled from where I stood. I watched her expertly hold the gun firm on her grip, her eyes covered with shooting glasses, her stance bold and firm and her gaze straight.

She didn't flinch when she fired the shot. This made me scribble down a mental note to ask her what she really leant from that Laross guy, since she seemed to have done this like a thousand times.

Considering the way her bullets were just few inches away from the main target, she was good, really good.

I should probably get a new house, and make sure I install a shooting range. She looked really comfortable doing this. The feeling of pride shot me from different angles, I couldn't even help the smile forming on my lips.

Hold on a sec. If I install a shooting range in the new house, supposing I get one... It wouldn't be a good setting for the kids would it? Grans would kill me, there's no doubt.

She'd probably move the kids to the Chesterfield mansion until she was sure there was no such thing in the house.

I could feel my heart jumping at the thought of children... Children with Mabel. It would be like a new breath of fresh air.

Should I talk to her about this?

No... As much as I want a family with her, I don't want to scare her off.

All I want to do is to make her mine forever, marry her and live out this dream. But I don't want to come off as too strong, so, I'll wait until she's ready.

She removed the shooting glasses, and dropped the gun on the table before turning to me with her infamous heart tumbling grin. "See, I'm better than you."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Yeah, you've made your point. Can we go now, I'm uncomfortable."

"Why? Because you've finally realized the gun business isn't for you?"

I shrugged. "I can learn. It doesn't seem that hard."

"You couldn't even hit the target... Your bullets went flying off the target. You have a long way to go princess." She teased.

"Okay, first Ferb, now princess?" I asked, hoping she would chuckle cause for some reason, my ears were craving the sound of her chuckle.

As predicted hopefully, she chuckled, leading me out of the private gun room, to the lobby.

"I missed this." She said out of no where.

"Shooting at things?"

"No, the look on your face when I tease you."

"Haha, I'm not glad you find me amusing."

"Oh you know you-"


She whipped her head to the direction of the English accented voice.

I also turned to find a sandy haired guy with a confused grin on his frekled face.

I watched her eyes widened in recognition as she forced a smile to her face. "Harry. Hi..."

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