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Not too many days after, came the day of the wedding. From the outside of my window, I could see guests entering the palace walls, presumably entering the banquet hall. Everyone dressed up in their finest clothes, for this certainly wasn't an occasion to dress lightly. The servants had left me with a big tray of food, saying that it was the mercy of the rani. After the event, they planned to release me, ordering that I never return.

"Stay here, and do not make a ruckus," the servant told me. He then left, slamming the door behind him. Sure enough, he locked it. But that didn't shake me. Perusing through the tray, I selected foods that would be easy to bring along, though unfortunately there proved to be few. There was a chapati, and once I found it unsalted and not spread with butter, I grabbed that, too, planning to save it for Shree.

The pura was sitting on the top of my armoire, hidden from the sight of any servant who looked into my room, though today there weren't many. He didn't coo once today, and his silence unsettled me. "Do not worry, Shree. Darshini will be alright," Although I said it to coax him, it was for myself as well. I had full faith in Darshini, but if any harm came to her because of me, because of what we were about to do, I would never forgive myself.

"Do you still want to do this?" I had asked her last night as she lay in my embrace for what I hoped wouldn't be the last time.

"I will not regret it. Take my word," she spoke into my arms.

"You would have to give up this life of luxury. I do not want you living a life of hardship. Please, think this over."

She froze in my arms, and I was afraid that right then she would leave. Although it would have been for her benefit, it would still pain me. But no, she pulled away, yes, but she looked right into my eyes. The words she spoke afterward I shall never forget.

"I already have, Karthik. For me, a life without you is a life of hardship. I will endure anything thrown at us because you are with me."

My heart swelled from inside me. Brushing a stray strand of hair aside to see her face better, I told her,

"I promise you, once this is all over, I will assure you that you live the life of a true rani."

The Poet, The Princess, and The Promise: A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now