Biggest apology on this earth

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Tell me... What type of drugs was i on when i wrote this?

AND WHY THE FUCKETY FUCK DID I WRITE SMUT WHEN THAT WAS- i simply cannot deal with this immense second hand embarrassment thrown at me, I'm about to burst into tears.

But oh well, some comments are funny so plz throw so much hate me please I'm begging.

But maybe later on imma delete this and start working on a book of stories or smt, genshin snatched my creativity by the throat ong, so did anime but like ar55 and staying humble 🥱.

Anyways bro this is like an apology for making you suffer my past mistakes, if u actually like this..... Cool man be you but don't say this shit is good good its ok, its normal 😰

If ya don't, neither do i so welcome to the club. Anyways if anyone plays genshin NA over here text me we can co-op 😈

....... I really need to start writing but better than this....

-i genuinely do not remember what i called myself

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