Normal day....

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P.O.V lily:

"NOO DADDY PWEAS STWOP PWEASS DADDY NOO!!!"wrapped up in my blanket twisting and struggling to get out. Sweating and screaming not knowing wether it's a dream or not. "DADDY IM SOWEY,PWEASS DONT HURT MWE"at this point my blankets were ripped off of me and I was slapped.

Mrs Johnson standing over me red in the face and looking angry. Tears started to form in my eyes, but I knew if I cried from the fact that the dream scared me and the fact that she slapped me I was going to get and even bigger punishment. So I battled away the tears and kept on looking at my hands. Mrs Johnson was a cruel and unloving person, she never liked me and she alway thought that I should have stayed with my parents but she was told that she had to keep me.

Staring at my hands, witch seemed like forever she finally opened her mouth. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING SCREAMING AND CRYING WAKING EVERY ONE UP IN THIS HOUSE!!" "THIS IS WHY I NEVER WANTED YOU HERE YOU ARE JUST TROUBLE AND THIS RATE YOU WILL NEVER GET ADOPTED" she screamed/ yelled at me. I didn't really understand what she was saying but I knew it was bad. At this point my hands started to shake as the memory of my daddy doing the same thing,then my whole body started to shake. After that darkness consumed me.

The last memory was me standing in my room with Mrs Johnson screaming at me for a reason I believe was my daddy's fault. Since then I can only see black and faint noises of a women's voice talking to someone. By the sounds of it the voice seems to be in another room or somewhere far away from me. My head started to hurt really bad and when I tried to open my eyes I couldn't, when I tried to move I couldn't. What's happening to I dead.!? At this point I started to get really upset and confused. I tried and tried to move or open my eyes but couldn't it felt like hours and hours of trying to open them but couldn't. That's when I gave up and drifted off again.

I was awake again.. Well awake in darkness I still could see anything or move anything but I decided that I was going to give it a try...again. This time I heard a voice that sounded very familiar...Mrs Johnson's voice. It sounded loud, louder then normal. "VISITORS ARE COMING IN LESS THEN 20 MINUTES, SO GET READY!!!" Wait I'm still in the orphanage? But if I got hurt they, they must have took me to the hospital? That was enough for my body to jump and start working normally. My eyes opened to a bright light so I squinted until they adjusted. I am finally awake!! Form a sleep I do not remember going into.... I jump to my feet to only fall to the floor in tears.

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