Never forgotton

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Calum's P.O.V:

I stepped out of my car and glared upon this building in front of me that held my son captive. If this building was human I would do what every father would have done beat the doodoo out of it!

I walked up to the entrance and seen no one around, I opened the door and a stench hit me. It was like a wet, musty smell almost like a damp smell. I swear to god and his holy self if my son was treated badly mmm!!! Someone is going to get what they asked for.  I walked around for a while looking at the photos on the wall, well more like paintings and scribbles the kids probably did. To be fair they can draw better then Luke so I applaud them for that. However, one drawing caught my eye. It was a sign, but not just a normal sigh it was our logo. 5sos was written in a circle in bold, then there was a picture of a black bass with a white X on it. Well someone must have been a fan, let's hope they still are. I was just about to read the words that was under it but a man in his mid forties started to yell at me.

"Sir! Please may I ask you to come this way, you do know this is not just a random place you can just walk into, may I remind you where the door is?" He spoke in a American, but slight hint of our Aussie drawl attacking its self onto the words he spoke.
"No sir, I believe I'm here to visit someone by the name of Jacob?" I spoke trying to sound mature but cringing every time a word came out my mouth.
"Oh! I am so sorry sir, may I ask what is your name and why you want to visit Jacob?" He stated almost questioning my presence as to why I would want involvement in a child.
"My names Calum Hood an-" I was cut off by feet running down the stairs that leads to god knows what.
"Oh! Well Mr.Hood I can not help you there is no boy under the name of Jacob, you may be mistaken on witch home you are in please go now" he quickly shoved me out the door, however his face told different, the more those foot steps got closer the more agitated he became.
"Hold up sir, I've left my car keys near that drawing over there, let me get them" I said I pushed my way by. I went towards the drawing and looked at it again. That's when I felt a presence next to me, not a big one more like a child's one.
"Do you like it? I made it for my dad, but I was taken from him when I was a baby" what sounds like a young boys voice spoke.
"I love it, may I ask how do you know this if you was so young to remember" I asked, both not looking at each other but staring at the drawing that was made for this young boys dad by him.
"A note, it was written on the back of a photo of me learning how to walk and my dad watching, but I can see his face and ever since I've been watching outside my window hoping i see him." He got out the photo from his little ripped jean pocket and shown it to me. As soon as I saw it I knew who this little boy was.
"Jacob?" I barley was able to say before my voice broke off.
"Yes sir that's my name how do you know?" He spoke clueless.
"I'm Calum Hood, by any chance the man who wrote that was his name Ashton?" I asked wondering.
"Yes sir it was do you know him! Because he says he's my dads best friend and he may know where he is! Oh lord! Please tell me you know him I'm so desperate to meet him, I understand what happened and I don't blame him, he couldn't do anything, he was lied to you know" he spoke with such passion and desperation.
"Buddy look up for once" he did as I asked and broke down into tears.
"Daddy!" He screamed and attacked my legs.
"Jacob, I'm so so sorry I-I-" I didn't know what to say but I'm glad Ashton had put that away for Jacob and I'm glad I've got my baby boy back.
"Don't worry dad no one is going to take me away from you, I'm not going to let them, I love you"  he spoke, muffled by our never ending hug.
"Love you too baby boy" I've made a promise to my self just like Jacob had done as well, I'm not letting no one take him away from me, ever again.

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