Is that a nessesery consequence....?

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P.O.V Luke:
I woke up to the sounds of Michael and Calum screaming....exactly what I said screaming not yelling like a normal guy would but screaming. I have no clue what's happening down there but I know for a fact that it's probably something stupid. Agh!!! I'm up now, gosh these people who I call best friends....actually no,brothers!!! Don't now a thing about me, because if the did they know I don't like MORNINGS!!!!

I got up not bothering with my hair just putting a beanie over it and stumbled out my room to only bump into Ashton."Agh!! They wake u up to??" He asked me with a slight giggle and sound of frustration in his voice. All I had to do was look at him to send him into a fit of giggles. "YA think..!" I said with my voice sounding not at all normal, causing me to cough. That's when that curly boy over stopped his giggle marathon and looked at me with concern. "Lukeyy are you alright??" I gave him that look again and started to walk off to only be jumped on by Mr curly (Ashton). "What do you think your doing, it's morning and my throat hurts and you decide to jump on me for a piggy back?" I said through squeaks and coughs. All he did was shrug, that's when I decided that's it I'm done and I run down stairs with him screaming like a little girl until I see the sofa a full backwards onto it squishing Ashton underneath.

That made me burst out laughing because all I can hear is Ashton screaming and yelling"GET OFF ME YOUR SO FAT" and "IM GOING TO DIE,YOUR SUFFOCATING ME!!!" I decided to get off and see the "damage" I made. That's when I saw him laying there with his face red with lines on it. That's it, that set off my laughing again. I'm on the floor giggling and laughing while Mr curly over there just glaring at me and growling. Then I remembered the reason Im up...I stood up well with the help of the table and grabbed Ashton's fat ass of the sofa and headed towards to game room were Calum and Michael were/ anyways are.
I stood gapping and Michael and Calum holding onto each other standing on the sofa, looking like there going to cry.

Ashton had the exact expression on his face. The two boy started to scream again not realising we were there. I guess I was wrong there not screaming at each other. Finally Ash cleared his throat, and that got there attention...well for a second then they looked at the floor and started screaming again. I went round the sofa to see a tiny little spider running across the floor. I actually felt sorry for it because it had to deal with them two's screaming. Then I realised that's the reason there screaming, I looked at there faces then back at the spider and fell to the floor laughing..again.

So I stood up got Calum to hand over his shoe which took like 10 minutes to try and persuade him, and squashed the spider. That led onto a gasp from Ashton and "ahh thank god's" from the two baby's.

Ashton's P.O.V:

After that morning of laughter, near to death experience and more laughter we all were finally eating our dinner, to only be interrupted by a phone call. I was eating my dinner trying to ignore it and all I could feel was 3 sets of eyes on me. "Aghhhhh" I said to only get the response "thank you Mr curly" in unison from all the boys. I jogged to the phone and answered it, which I will regret. Because all I heard was the yelling of our manager to "GET OUR ARSSES DOWN TO THE OFFICE NOW" then the phone went dead. It took me a second to run to the living room were all the boys we're and drag them to the car.

On the way there all boys even me weren't talking. Whilst driving I noticed Luke was tense, he was always like that something happens and Luke is the one that suffers the most. Ever since I known this boy I never found out why he always does this, like freaking out. Pulling up to the office a bunch of paps were waiting taking pics. All of us groaned and got out the car. Cameras flashing people asking questions, but we ignored all of it and kept our heads down.

P.O.V Michael:
(A/N: didn't think it would change uh😏)
We finally made it to our managers office after all the paps screaming at us bombarding us with questions and blinding us with there dam cameras. He was stood there in the middle of the room staring at us for what seemed like ages until I couldn't take it any more "what do you want, you made me miss my dinner to come here and just star at us which frankly you could easily search the Internet for that!" That got me a few giggles from Luke and Callum and a little nudge from Ashton. After what I had said the manger told us to sit,which we did. We waited again until he finally spoke, "WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK YOUR DOING, UNDERAGE DRINKING!!" That caused me Luke and Callum to stiffen and Ashton to cough and speak up, "ermmm... I'm not underage the last time I checked" that caused our main man should I say to glare at him.

After about a hour of debating and arguing he said "Well boys and Ashton" this caused me Calum and Luke to scoff "I believe that your publicity has dropped since then so you are going to adopted a child within the age group of 2 to 6" At this point all of us are screaming and shouting trying to tell the him that this isn't fair and were not good a looking after a kid. But he just sat there watching us for about 20 minutes then said "You lot can get drunk and getting drunk leads to hangovers and hangovers people need support to look after them so if you can deal with big babies", gesturing to all of us "you can defiantly look after a kid now leave before I make you adopt a child each"

With that we stormed out the building and ran straight to the car. Unbelievable, the next day we all are going to be a farther and uncles.

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