Plain ride.....this is going to be interesting

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Luke's P.O.V:

So it is now 6am and our flight leaves at 7 great! I got up got dressed put my beanie on (because my hair is a mess) woke up cal then Mikey. But when I went into Ash's room no one was in there...I looked in Lily's room and she wasn't there. What the hell were are they.

That's until I heard giggling and then singing. I looked at the rest of the boys who were with me they just shrugged. I walked down stairs not knowing what to expect....

    Lily's P.O.V:

       This morning me and uncwal ash thought that we should make breakfast for the others and daddy because uncwal ashy said that plain food is yucky so they need to stock up.... I don't understand what he was trying to say but I thought I should do it so daddy and the rest don't get cranky. Well it's really just mikey who gets cranky with out food but I'm baking a good girl.

         Uncwal ash was flipping pancakes while I watching in amazement. " uncwal ashy cwan I hwelp wo flwip thwem?" He stopped what he was doing and smiled and said " come here then bug now you hold the lab like this and you shake it back and forth and then flip it...." I did exactly what he said but then he quickly said "NOT TOO MUCH STRENGTH!!" but it was too late. The pancake flew in the air and got stuck on the ceiling!!! I pointed at it and started to giggle  really loudly.

      After me and uncwal ashys giggle fit we cleaned up and plated out the food. I started to sing a song that's stuck in my head from when daddy sings to me. But I was interrupted when I heard mikey yell "PANCAKES I SMELL PANCAKES!!!" And uncwal cal yell "BACON I SMELL. Ahhhhhh" and there was a loud bang. I jumped off the stool and landed on my butt but I got up and tried to run fast to see what happened. Ashy followed to. Once I got there I saw Mikey and Cal on top of each other's at the bottom of the stairs!!!

    As soon as I saw this I broke down into laughs. I my eyes were crying and I fell on my butt. I couldn't see anything...that was until someone picked me up and started to tickle me. I knew it was daddy because he had the same smell as him. I started to laugh so hard my belly was hurting. "Da ddy stw op pwease!!!!" I said In-between laughs. Once he put me down and uncwal cal and mikey got off the floor we went to the kitchen to eat.

*At the airport boarding the plain*

    Luke's P.O.V:

      We are now at the airport and ready to bored the plain. There was not many fans because we didn't really tell them the time because we thought it would be to overwhelming for Lily. But right now I'm searching for the tickets. "Found THEM!!!" I screamed making people look at me like I was crazy. "Sorry..." I said trying to be polite. Lily come up to me and said "daddy thwis isn't gwoing two bwe scwary is it?" I looked down at her and picked her up. Right now the rest of the boys are on the plain because they couldn't wait for me to look for the nice of them. "Baby you don't have to worry it's going to be fine it's not scary because I'm here. Okey?" She looked at me then said "owkey daddy" then she put her head in my neck.

      Once we were in our seats there's ash near the window lily then me and then it's Callum and mikey in first class because they payed extra but I don't care a plains a plain. When the engines started up I heard a whimper coming from the side of me. I looked down at Lily and see that she's crying i got her closer to me and started to calm her down but she was still scared I can see it in her big blue eyes like mine. Then the plain started to lift I heard her cry even more. Then an idea popped into my head. I lifted my hands up and went "Weeeee" Ashton looked at me weird then did exactly the same. Lily looked at both of us and started to smile then laugh. Until she copied us "Weeee!!" She said smiling.

      After the plain was in the sky and levelled out Lily looked at me and Ashton and said " wo knwo daddy and uncwal ash wo's are vwery swilly. Bwut I lwuv wose swoooooo mwuch!" She said in her cute baby voice and when she said soooo much she used her little arms to add drama. She sure is like me. K

     "I love you to baby girl" I said

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