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ꕥ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴀꜱ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀꜰᴜʟ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ :    (insert you beautiful name)                            

 ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛɪɴɢ <3  ꕥ    

ꕥ You were a simple person, ordinary life, ordinary family, ordinary everything, until one day you decided to go at night to one of your favorite places, a forest with beautiful flowers, some rocks to rest on, tall trees that you could climb to admire the view better, very welcoming and cute animals, it was perfect there.

ꕥ You decided to sit on the beautiful green grass, putting your back weight on a rock behind you, you decided to close your eyes and just peacefully hear the sounds of leaves falling, grasshoppers singing, grass rustling, a twig breaking, someone's breath one your face- WAIT WHAT-

ꕥ You quickly opened your eyes to see six eyes staring at you, you immediately knew what this creature was, it was a demon...

ꕥ You shrieked and quickly backed away, the demon just stared at you and blinked his six eyes in perfect unison. The demon, who was a male, had six red eyes, (I think, or were they yellow? Or black, or idk-?) black hair, pale skin, a scar on his face, a purple and black Yukata, (or kimono, idk-) and a craving on two of his eyes that said Uppermoon One, you started to get scared, he was the second most powerful demon, you were glad your family talked about demons and how dangerous they were.

ꕥ While you were lost in thought you didn't notice the demon that moved closer to you, poking your cheek to get you back to reality, you quickly reacted and noticed how close this man was to your face.

ꕥ You felt your face get hot very quickly, (If your skin tone makes it difficult for you to blush, ignore this) grabbed a little of courage and said,  (I feel cringe- I'm sorry ya'll-*cries*) "Who are you and what do you want?!" You tried to sound confident, but failed miserably...

ꕥ "My name is Kokushibou...and I just...stumbled upon here...and found you here..." said the demon now known as 'Kokushibou', "O-Okay then...why are you still here?" you asked, wanting desperately to end this and go home like nothing ever happened. "Well...I wanted to tell you...something" he told you, and then he said something horrific "You will come here...every singled (ah yes, 'singled') night...at this same hour....or else your family...will suffer the consequences..." 

ꕥ You knew he wasn't playing, so you did as he said. 

ꕥ Ever since that day, you met up with Kokushibou at the exact same place and time, your relationship with Kokushibou grew more bigger every day, he was actually a really nice demon.

ꕥ One day, (*cries* WHY DO I FEEL SO FREAKING CRINGE AND UNMOTIVATED?!) at the forest, Kokushibou was waiting for you, he waited minutes, those minutes turned into hours, he was tired of waiting and left.(and a little angy angy too :<)

ꕥ The next night, he waited for you at the forest, this time you actually came, a little messed up though...you had bags under your eyes, your cheeks and leg were bruised, this made his eyes widen, what could have ever happen to you?!

ꕥ You rushed to him(?), crying, and gave him a hug, at first he was surprised, but returned the hug.

ꕥ "What happened?" he asked, genuinely concerned "MY FAMILY WAS ATTACKED BY A DEMON!" you cried, it was true, your family was attacked by a demon and guess what?, they died.

ꕥ So, as the gentleman he is, he offered you to stay at his house, (idk if he has a house-) and as you trust him so much, you accepted.

ꕥ You two walked up a mountain, he offered to carried you, but you politely declined. He kinda had a frown all the way to the house.

ꕥ It has passed a month or two since you have stayed with Kokushibou, he serves your every needs, you felt a little overwhelmed by the care and attention you were getting, and a little sketchy of Kokushibou, wanna know why? Well...

ꕥ You were trying to get fresh air, but the moment you stepped outside, you were grabbed by the shoulders and dragged back into the house, you turned your head around to see Kokushibou, "Koku, why did you drag me back here, I just want fresh air..." you said, he just replied with a groan.

ꕥ Another time you saw a little bird injured in front of the window, your e/c eyes scanning the bird, your brows furrowed in worry (?). You went outside to pick them up buttttttt, you were knocked out and dragged back inside. This happened multiple times, with different cases of you wanted to go outside.

ꕥ You were currently eating some (favorite food), you decided this was the perfect moment to ask him about all that don't go outside thing. "Hey Kokushibou?" you asked, he hummed signaling he was listening, "Why don't you let me go outside?" you asked, he blinked his eyes and just shrugged.

ꕥ "Kokushibou...please tell me!"you begged, he sighed "I..don't want you to...go outside," he replied simply, you blinked and groaned, "I am going to sleep, goodnight!" you said angrily, and stomped into your room.

ꕥ He just stayed there, a smirk (help-) forming on his face slowly, "sleep tight, n/n" he whispered...(sUs)

ꕥ You opened your eyes to be met by red (or yellow, or black ones-) ones, "AH-" you shrieked, "Good morning," said Kokushibou, you just stared at him and sighed "What do you want?" you asked, he sat beside you (i am uNmOtIvAtEd-) and whispered in your ear "Why do you want to leave?" you froze (this is so freaking cringe, yk what? Imma stop putting A/N's-), his voice sounded different, it sounded...threathing...like the voice you heared when the demon killed your parents...! Wait a goddamn minute...could it be that...Kokushibou killed your parents...

ꕥ  After your long pause, Kokushibou realized that you found out, a faint smile graced his features, (?) he suddenly pulled you into a hug. Welp Y/N, hope you enjoy your stay!~ because you're  d o o m e d!~

ꕥ Nicknames : 

ꕥSo I think Kokushibou isn't a person of nicknames, but, like this is a fanfic, ofc he needs to give his s/o a nickname, which are/is : Moonlight and n/n, why Moonlight though? Because you remind him of the moon, so enchanting and calm. 

ꕥ If you ever escaped and what restraints do you have to keep you in the house? :

 ꕥ So, we all know that Kokushibou is very powerful, and can just end you in a second, that is why you fear him and don't dare to step out of the house, but if you had a little bit of courage to do, you wouldn't get far, just a few meters away from the house and when you turned behind to see if there was somebody behind you, you were knocked out and found yourself in a locked room with your worst nightmare, which is (least favorite thing in the whole freaking world). Also the reason why you don't have restraints is because you are afraid of Kokushibou.






A/N : 

So, hello? I hope you enjoyed this chapter @xXButterfly_ShinXx,I made it extra long because of the extra long wait, I'm sorry if you don't like it or you are unsatisfied with it, if you are, please tell me so I can rewrite it! 

If you wanna request, don't hesitate to tell me!

Bye, take care, love you all and I'll see you next chapter! (Please tell me if there is any grammar mistakes or something, I didn't check the chapter!)

Words : (1313)

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